Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good Opportunities

"Good opportunities are very hard to refuse. Just because something is good doesn't mean it is good for you or right for you."  - Matthew Kelly

I learned this lesson the hard way.  For years, I thought if a good opportunity came along, I should take it.
It took some knocks and bruises to understand that was not a truth.  Years ago, I was offered a great job......advertising director of a newspaper.  I had worked in advertising and had actually worked at this particular paper( and had been fired from it, LONG story).  When the job was offered, I jumped on it.
Good pay, good job.........but not for me.  I was miserable.....I didn't stay but a few months and when I left,  I didn't look back.

There have been other "good" opportunities that I have walked away from.  Somewhere around my forties, I realized that "good", might not mean good for me.  I once took a job in the PR department of a college,
once again, "good" opportunity, but in less than a year I knew it was not good  for me.  This is the kind of stuff they don't teach in college, this is one you learn by living........because even if you hear me talk about will have to learn this on your own, I doubt that you would listen to me......but maybe you would.

There have also been "good " opportunities that I didn't take, that occasionally I wonder, should I have taken
them?  I'll never know the answer to that one.....and thinking what if.....well, that is just a waste of time and energy.

"Good" opportunities.......think long and hard, be truthful to yourself,  and remember that "good" doesn't mean it's good for you.


  1. Truer words were never shared! Missed opportunities are like crying over spilled milk!
    Happy Summer, hope you are feeling stronger and healthier!

  2. Things always look different in hindsight. I guess the best one can do is to learn from the experience and move on. Take care

  3. Jack had a wonderful opportunity years ago to work with a company in Maine that wanted a Chiropractor to evaluate the work site and make changes and have a clinic on site was very good...I was excited about living in Maine..but he just felt something wasn't right about making that move. He had even accepted the position but at the last minute (I was packed and ready to fly!)he decided to not take it. We found out not too long after that, that it would have been a really bad move. Sometimes you just have to listen to your instincts. Have a great weekend.
