Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 31

Two gigs this week so we did some practice today.  We also did some grocery shopping and Rick did some bee work.  It got darn cold last night and has been chilly today.  But  at least the rain washed away some pollen for now.  Next pollen beast to come will be the privets, and they are nasty.

Tomorrow starts a brand new month.  What happened to March?  My birthday just came and went.
March 23 started my 67th trip around the sun, wow who knew when I was 18 just how fast the years would move . 

I hope April and this new week starts with joy and ends with joy and all that comes in between is kindness.

Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A Good Saturday

Rick worked this afternoon.  I made very good use of my time as well.  I cleaned out my closet.
And as usual when I do this, a cold front comes through.  That's ok.  The sound of pouring rain tonight is music.  You can see the sticky yellow film of pollen washing off the roof and trees.
At least I know tomorrow when we walk the dogs my breath will come easy.

I also did my first spring bouquets.  A gathering of dogwood blossoms in a blue pottery pitcher on the kitchen table and a mix of wild honeysuckle and camellias for the bathroom.

Rick brought home Chinese carry out, we will watch the Brits on PBS tonight and all is well.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Vision Complete

Three years after I posted a photo of it on my vision board ( even the same color) I got my Outback today.  I love it.  For us and our needs it is the perfect vehicle.  The Outback on my vision board was a 2016, same color of blue.  Today we bought a one owner 2016 blue Outback with only 27000 miles on it.  I am beyond thrilled.

I did another acupuncture treatment today.  They are working so well.  For the first time in several years I feel truly hopeful about my health and confident enough that we can start planning trips that were on the back burner because we never knew when the flares would happen.

I hope your Friday has been a good one.  I hope that someone showed you kindness today and that you were able to return or pass it on.  My Volvo was named Ingrid, the Outback shall be called Buddha.  We will spread kindness where ever we go.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wild Flowers, Wild Day

If you read Rick's post tonight then you know I found our bee swarm as I walked the dogs this morning.  Taz, Calliou and Lady were not interested, but Hook wanted to dig up the peach tree.  I had visions of him covered in bees.

I got all the dogs back to the house and sent Rick a text.  We thought that when we had our first swarm one of the bee masters could come help us.  Nope, not today.  Rick did an admirable job, but we will know in the day or so if he captured the queen.

Our wild honeysuckles are blooming now.  They are scattered throughout the woods in various shades of pale pink to almost red.  A few years ago we transplanted one to our back yard.  She was a stunner this morning.

Tomorrow I see the acupuncturist and pick up our Outback.  It is not new, but will be new for me.
So excited.  Enjoy your Friday and always choose to be kind.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Another good day with Jordan.  He brought his new books over this morning.  He was so excited to show us what he got.  Once again can I say how thrilled we are that he loves to read.

My men's class today was full.  The guys had experienced a difficult day so I taught a class on using yoga to help with anxiety.  One of the big issues that people often experience with anxiety is that they can't take a deep breath and because they can't take a deep breath they get more anxious.
So with yoga I teach to not focus on a deep breath, to breath as normal as possible and to focus on the exhalation instead.
When you begin to exhale slowly and controlled, the respiratory rate slows, and stress response slows down as well.

Each breath we took, each pose we did, I encouraged the guys to focus on exhaling slow with control.  Something else to remember, those two questions I always ask...Where are you?  Here.
What time is it?  Now.   Be here now. 

Something else we did, very simple balance poses.  Those rapid thoughts that fly through your mind begin to slow down as you concentrate on balance.  ( this works before you go to bed at night too)
You can do something as simple as standing on your tip toes and breathing.  Or you can place one hand on the wall or back of a chair and extend the opposite leg behind you.  Or place one hand on the back of a chair, now raise the opposite arm and lift opposite knee.  And BREATH slowly and exhale even slower.

Tomorrow I will observe the young woman I recently trained and certified as an instructor as she teaches her first official class.  I know she will be awesome.

My tea awaits.  May Thursday bring kindness and joy to us all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Jordan spent most of the day with us.  We had given him a gift card to Books A Million for his birthday.  His mom took him to the bookstore on Saturday to spend it.  When he got here this morning he spent an hour telling us in great detail about the books he got.  I love the fact that he gets excited about books.  Just like his mom, and his Uncle Rick and Aunt Jilda he can spend hours in a bookstore.  Most of us in my family love to read, I think my mom passed it down or maybe it just ended up in our DNA.  But I appreciate the fact that she encouraged reading and always had books around.

Rick bought me a new book for my birthday.  The Martha Manual by Martha Stewart,  or how to do (almost) everything.  It is an amazing book with directions on everything from painting your house to knitting to taking care of pets and most everything in between.

Not sure if it's the high pollen count, the weather changes or maybe  we both picked up a bug, but Rick and I both have not felt the best today.  Not really sick, but achy and fatigued and out of sorts, it's just very unusual for both of us not to feel well at the same time.

Our hot tea awaits and so does bed.  I am excited about both.
Sweet dreams

Monday, March 25, 2019


I smelled a delightful fragrance in our house this morning.  I knew what it was.  Our Meyer lemon tree is blooming.  I hope we have a good crop this year.  Nothing like them.  I always make a lemon pound cake and it is the best.  Mondays are busy and I am so ready for hot tea and bed.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Zipped By

This weekend has just zipped by.  Today has zipped as well.  I suppose it is because the past three days have been jammed.  Even today, which we tried to keep contained and laid back was the opposite.
But much was accomplished and that is good.

The last few days have been beautiful spring days, but Alabama springs bring storms.  Tomorrow they come.  Hopefully the weather guys are wrong and we just get much needed rain.  Everything outdoors now is a pale shade of yellow.  Wind only moves it around.  It takes a lot of rain to wash the air clean when it is full of tree pollen.

The last week of March is upon us.  Enjoy your Monday and always be kind.  Can you believe it is almost April?

Saturday, March 23, 2019


It has been one of the best birthdays I have ever had.  Friends and family have called, texted and sent cards and letters.  I have received messages that made me cry because they were so loving.
We had lunch today with my best friend Kaye and her husband Jamie at the Cajun Steamer and the food and company was awesome.

We have found a car, and our sales rep has requested it be be brought to Birmingham.  So it looks as if sometime next week we will have a vehicle. 

My day started with a trip to the eye doc, eyes swollen from allergies but it has been such a beautiful day filled with so much kindness that I have cried several times.  Now my eyes are swollen from tears of joy.

The photo is mine and Samantha's rescue garden.  When she was 9 years old she and I went into the woods behind the barn and dug up wild flowers because the company that owned the property  was having it clear cut.  She will be 29 on April 2.  I showed the little spot to Jordan this afternoon and told him the story.  ( I don't think he was impressed.)

I hope your day has been as wonderful as mine.  Tonight my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the love and kindness that I have been showered with today.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Friday, March 22, 2019

Today's Transformations

I spent the morning getting my certifications for CPR and First Aid, then I spent a couple of hours at the salon getting my hair done, and then I came home and we cleaned out my car because we are going to look for another vehicle tomorrow.  It has been a rather busy day.

Rick is making me a cup of hot tea and Taz has stolen my work shoes and hid them because I went to work today.  She does that every day I work, I think she is trying to tell me something.

Again tonight we are under a freeze warning, but that is not stopping the blanket of pollen that is covering our area.  When the wind blows there are clouds of yellow dust that billow.  My white car has become pale yellow.  My eyes are itchy and bloodshot, spring is beautiful but she comes with a price.

Enjoy your weekend, find something to laugh about, and remember to be kind.   Oh yeah, just for grins I hung a "spring wreath" on my door today.  My transformations today, a new haircut, a spruced up door and certifications to help someone in trouble.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Again I am working a Friday.  Tomorrow I have to my certification in CPR.  I so miss having my Fridays off, I am so spoiled.

A cold front moved in last night, so even though it was a beautiful day, the wind was cold.
This has been one of the most windy Marches I can remember.  This morning as we walked the dogs, the wind blew straight out of the north.

My day has been slammed, my head is reeling and it is time to go to bed. 
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

PS.  be kind tomorrow

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Welcome Spring

First day of spring, full moon, 3rd Super Moon for 2019 and the last until 2020.  No wonder everyone has been so out of sorts.

Beautiful moon and Happy Spring!   Welcome Spring.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Balancing Chakras

Balancing chakras, that was our class today and by the way it was also a yin class.  We held the asanas for at least two minutes each, we moved through each of the seven chakras and at the end relaxed.  Some classes embrace chakra classes and love them, this one did today.  Others roll their eyes and tolerate.  I have had those kind as well.

This group loved the class so much that starting Thursday we will spend a class on each chakra in depth.  What are chakras you might ask.  They are energy meridians or points ( the word chakra means spinning wheel of light or energy).  Yoga recognizes seven points, starting at the tip of the tail bone going up the spine to the crown.  These points deal with everything from survival to spiritual connection .

The asanas help to balance and align the energy meridians to help bring physical and emotional health to the person.  We also use oils, colors, meditations, music, etc to help bring balance as well.
If you studied physics, then this energy work will make sense to you.

Moving slowly in this yin class helps to focus on the chakras and the issues you are dealing with.
I love teaching this class.

Rick says my hot tea is ready tonight.  So is the bed and so am I...ready for rest and sleep.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Monday, March 18, 2019

All Is Good

First let me let you all know Jordan is ok.  There are some digestive issues, but he is much much better today.  Thank you all for energy and love.

Rick and I both are exhausted tonight, Mondays are long work days for us and then throw in little sleep and lots of worry last night ...well you know.

Our nice cozy bed is beckoning, I hope your Monday has been a good one.  Make tomorrow even better, be kinder than you were today.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Good Luck

It's been a good day of sorts.  We had lunch to celebrate my sister's birthday with all her family.
I had put a brisket in the crock pot, and my brother Ricky and Deb and Sam and Jordan were coming for dinner.  Deb and Sam have had to take Jordan to the ER at Children's Hospital in Birmingham.
We think he might have a kidney stone.  His mom, his nana, his papa and most of the rest of my family have had them at some point in our lives.  I hope with all my heart genetics have not played a cruel joke on Jordan.  It's been a couple of hours, but I know things move slow in the ER.
Hoping for good news soon.
On our walk this morning we did find 4 leaf clovers.  I am passing the photo onto all of you for good luck as well.

If you don't mind, please send Jordan some good thoughts tonight.
Have a kind Monday.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bee Rick

Our Saturday started at 5:30 am this morning.  Rick and our nephew Haven drove 20 miles south of here to get our bees.  By about 8:00 am the bees and their hives were settled in down in the orchard.

We soon left for Birmingham to see the acupuncturist.  I had not been in a couple of weeks and it was time to get a tune up.  Then we went car shopping.  We have a Honda, but to be honest I have missed having a larger vehicle.  My old Volvo, Ingrid was the perfect size.  She could haul all my yoga stuff and when we had a music gig she could haul all our equipment with room to spare.  When we load the Honda for a gig there is barely room for us.

We have been researching used autos for about a year.  So today, the search for a slightly worn Subaru Outback began.  I have a wish list and I think we will find the perfect vehicle soon.  I thought we had discovered it today, all the qualifications but one.  We want leather seats and this one had cloth.  We have found hauling all the stuff around that leather is so much more durable.  It's not like we have to have something tomorrow, so we are taking our time and making sure that we find what we like and can afford.

Tomorrow is another packed day.  Birthday lunch for my sister and then of course there is St. Patrick's Day.  Yes, I will be cooking corn beef, colcannon and Irish soda bread.  We will have a feast tomorrow night.

I made sure to take a photo of Rick in his Bee Keeper clothing today.  I think he looks so professional.  My suit is on its way.  Can't wait until our first batch of honey!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Happy Place

There must be some sort of weird planetary energy taking place.  For the past few days I have been out of sorts at home, at work, in mind and spirit.  Today was no different.  We had a small tornado very near our house last night.  This season, this time of year just keeps me on pins and needles.
But the weather guys say for the next week things look good, fingers are crossed.

The treat every day is to see what bloomed during the night before.  This morning yellow jasmine at the front of the arbor was shinning against the bright blue skies.  After yesterday's dark stormy afternoon, this morning was a happy place to be.

And Jordan spent the day with me.  Now days, he spends the day only when he is not feeling well, so he was here for rest and comfort food.  I made sure there was plenty of both.  We sat in the sunshine for a while today and saw our first butterfly of spring and we blew bubbles.  A good day for both of us.

I hope your weekend brings you a glimpse of spring, a glimmer of hope and a flash of joy.
Remember to be kind.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday Chair Class

Occasionally I teach chair yoga classes, both at the community class and my classes at work.
People are always amazed at how much alignment and stretch they can obtain in a chair.
One of the amazing things about yoga, you can do it at any stage in your life.  It really is an incredible life changing experience.  If you are worried about your first yoga class, or have some health issues, check out a gentle chair class.  You might be surprised.

We both had dental appointments this morning.  For most of the day we have had sunshine but once again rain is coming and the possibility of storms.  It was tough to have spent most of a beautiful morning inside at the dentist's.

Tomorrow is Thursday, my Friday for this week.  3 day weekend, yes!  Laugh out loud tomorrow, hug someone and for goodness sakes be kind.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I love flowers any season, but the first violets of spring make me smile.  They are so fragile, the scent so delicate.  These tiny little flowers always make me remember my childhood.  We lived on a hill with a tiny little stream, probably more of a brook that made it's way from a spring .  But every spring, the banks of that little stream were covered in tiny purple violets.  I would gather them by the handfuls.  Did I mention that purple is my favorite color?  And the perfume I wear is violet based.

Every morning for the past week as we walked I have looked for violet blossoms.  This morning I hit the jackpot.  Sharing my bit of luck with you all tonight.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Time Change

Blame it on the time change.  As I was just getting ready for bed a few minutes ago, I realized I had not written in my blog.  I know most love this moving forward time in the spring, but it really messes with my bio-rhythms.  Getting up in the dark is just not for me, until the sun or some sort of daylight hits my eyes I don't wake up.  I know, the rest of the world loves the extra daylight in the evening.
What can I say, I walk to the beat of a different drum.  I have been out of sorts most of the day.
It will take me a couple of weeks to get it together.  This is worse than jet lag.

The storms moved through and thankfully we did not have violent weather.  But it is the season and this time of year Mother Nature cannot make up her mind about the temps.

I do get the nesting urge this time of year.  Wanting to paint walls, wash windows and clean closets must be in my DNA, because just like clockwork mid-March kicks it into high gear.

I hope your Monday is a good one, not hectic or stressed, just one of those days when you get things done.  Be kind, be joyful.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


It has been a day of R and R.  I have put in extra hours at work to get our AC trained and certified as a yoga instructor.  Yesterday was the last day of the 15 hour training program.  I am so proud of our AC who survived the training I put her through.  She will be an incredible yoga instructor for those in recovery.

I did very little today, but that's ok.  My body and brain needed the rest.  I did baked salmon filets with steamed whole green beans and new potatoes for dinner tonight.  Rick and I both agreed it is one of our favorite meals.  Of course he says that about almost everything that I cook.  He is easy to please.

We are still under a tornado watch but hopefully the storms will pass in a while and we can get a peaceful goodnight's sleep.  Right now, the wind chimes are going crazy, but the winds should die down soon.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams.

PS.  Don't forget to set your clocks up an hour.

Friday, March 8, 2019


Today was our nephew James' 41 first birthday.  When he and his younger brother Haven were just kids, their parents ( my brother Ricky and his wife Deb) let then spend lots of time with us.  Haven and James are also Samantha's big brothers.

We took those boys on many trips to the beach.  We took them to their first concert.  We took them to their first Alabama football game.  What I am most proud of is that we and their parents taught them the value of service to the community.  Even today, those boys will give anyone their last dollar if they need it, they will give their time, and their love.

Rick posted the picture on my blog tonight, on FB earlier today.  Did I mention that James is now the publisher of our local paper that Rick writes for, The Daily Mountain Eagle.  I figure James could not have been more embarrassed by his Sailor suit than I am about the big 80's hair do.  But I do love that old photo.  It is a memory of very happy times and I am so glad Rick took that picture.

So Happy Birthday to James tonight, I hope you have at least 41 more.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Mother Nature is an interesting artist.  Who else could take an ordinary concrete block and transform it into  something beautiful and unique.  I love the way the moss and honeysuckle vines have transformed this old block.  All the rainy weather we have had since Christmas has caused moss and fungi to appear in the strangest places, in forms and colors I have never seen before.
I am finishing up my training tomorrow, we will have a brand new yoga teacher eager to spread her wings by late afternoon.  Hers has been an amazing transformation as well.
Laugh out loud tomorrow, and be kind.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Rareness and Value

" The more you sense the rareness and value of your own life, the more you realize that how you use it, how you manifest it, is all your responsibility."  -Robin Chino Otogawa

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

My Name

I saw an old movie come on TCM tonight, Design for Living.  Filmed in 1933, whenever I see it I try to watch just a few minutes, tonight I am recording it.  The character that I'm named after is in that movie.  She is described as a comely woman, her name is Jilda.  Actually I think they might have spelled it with a G, I would love to see a copy of the script.  But both the men in the movie who are in love with her pronounce it Jilda.

In 1952 when I was born,  my mom had already had 6 children.  I think she was not too concerned with names.  An older brother asked her to name the baby Jilda if it was a girl.  It seems he had a crush on a young girl in his class named Jilda.  My mom gladly granted his wish.  He married a Shelia.

As a teenager I knew my brother's friend Jilda and her family well.  Her parents were friends of my parents and we all lived in the same small town.  I asked her mom once how she came up with the name Jilda.  She laughed and said I saw a movie about a girl named Jilda and just loved that name.
I thought maybe it had been the movie Gilda, but she said no it starred Gary Cooper and Miriam Hopkins and was not the one with Rita Hayworth.  She said in the movie they called the girl Jilda so she figured it was spelled Jilda, not Gilda.

It's a pretty racy story for 1933, a love triangle, one woman, two men.  If you get a chance watch it sometime.  And there you have it, for any of you who wondered where my name came from.

Tomorrow is hump day.  The past two days have gone by so fast.  Stay warm, be kind and laugh out loud at least once tomorrow.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Truth

I LOVE this quote!!!  Maybe it's because I love learning new things, maybe it's because of my love of reading.  But I believe with all my heart this is a true statement.

"Education is not something you can finish."   - Issac Asimov

Sunday, March 3, 2019

More Pink

It's our season in hell.  Tornadoes ripped through south Alabama today, last update 14 were killed.
What can we expect?  A couple of days ago, it was near 80, tonight it's dropping to 24.
A friend who lives out of state sent me a text to make sure we were safe.  We are.  But it is the season, and those tornadoes that struck today could just have easily hit us.  Actually it is unusual for South Alabama to have those big storms, usually they deal more with hurricanes.

What has been so unusual for the past couple of months, we are having storms and lots of thunder and lightening even when the temps are cold.  I feel for those who were hit today.  They will remember the destruction for the rest of their lives.

After the storms and rain moved through here this afternoon, I went outside and cut as many of my pink camellias that I could without damaging the plant.  I know when the temps drop tonight, so will the buds and blooms.  She is far too beautiful to let that happen. 

I hope this week brings you joy, laugh out loud, be kind.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Spice It Up

It has been a laid back Saturday.  We walked the dogs, had a late breakfast and then Rick had to work at the paper for a few hours.  I did a little house cleaning, washed yoga blankets and took a nap.
These trainings that I have been doing on Fridays are exhausting.  I told Rick that it's like being on stage performing for 6-8 hours.  But it's exciting because I am helping a couple of counselors become yoga instructors and they are going to be wonderful.

I made a hominy cilantro chicken soup last night.  I thought Rick was going to eat the whole big pot.
We are having leftovers for supper tonight and he is excited.  The soup was exactly what I needed after training all day.  It was hot and spicy and soothing.  If you would like the recipe let me know and I will post it.  I can promise you there will be another pot at the Watson soon.

Last weekend I made Chicken and Chickpeas with garlic.  Sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit in the kitchen.  I bought a new cookbook, Mediterranean Meals in 30 minutes.  We have always had meatless days several times a week, but we are upping our plant based meals more.
In both recipes, the plants ( hominy and chick peas) were the base.  Tomorrow will be like last Sunday, no meat.

It's a sit home and watch a movie tonight, we both have been busy this week.
I hope your day has given you what you needed.  Tomorrow be kind. 

Friday, March 1, 2019

March 1

March 1....March is coming in like a lion, rain and temps dropping

March many family birthdays this month, including my 67th trip around the sun

March 1...spring shows her face on the 20th

March 1...time springs forward on the 10th

March 1...everything is blooming, it's allergy season already

March 1...spring clothes are making their way back to my closet

March 1...sandal season is just around the corner

March 1...St Patrick's day, always celebrated at our house

March 1...I love fresh green peas, grilled salmon and tiny red potatoes, my favorite spring meal

March 1...the days are getting longer

March 1...maybe we can make March the kindness month