Thursday, February 28, 2013

Do It Now

For those of you who worry that I push myself,  this quote says it all.

"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted.  Do it now."  -Paulo Coelho

And that my dear friends, is why I push myself so hard.  Thanks for your love and kindness and worry.........just remember, Do it now!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hump Day, Good Day

Wednesday, a glorious day of rest!  and the sun was shinning as well!  It has been a low key, take it easy kind of day, just what I needed.  We did drive up to Cullman to Berkeley Bob's for some red beans and rice at lunch, then stopped off for an ice cream cone, came home and took a nap.  Not a bad day at all.

This past year has driven home over and over again how important good health is......and how terrifying it is to think it has been lost.  The small day to day stuff has become just as meaningful as the big stuff.  And I can't even begin to tell you how valuable time with friends and family has become.

So my hump day got me over the hump......and the sweetest phone call tonight.  Jordan called, he asked if Rick and I would come to his school and sing for his class.  I told him that would be our most important gig of all.......we can't wait!  Not sure how we will go over with five year olds, but Jordan thinks we're rock stars.

Tonight, if there is any Transformation Information I can pass on to you, it is hard as it might be, never take your health for granted, do what it takes to be healthy and even then, even doing everything right, life can throw you a curve......cherish the good days.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hello, Goodbye

A full moon this week and lots of goodbyes.......a week of changes.   For several of my students at work, this week is their last week of classes with me.......this is often the most difficult part of my job, all the goodbyes.  For the students, they are spreading their wings, hopefully starting the life they were born to live, finding peace down a rocky path.  For me, they come and they go.......honestly, I work very hard to be the loving teacher who encourages their new beginning.  I learned a  long time ago, to be loving and supportive, and then be happy that the student's life begins anew.

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night, and I see their faces, see their tears, hear their laughter........I say a prayer for them, that all is well, that they are safe and healthy, and hope I go back to sleep.  I often wonder, are they ok?  And life goes on.  Out of all the thousands that I have taught,  .........all I can do is hope and pray,  and send them love and blessings and   I hope that life treats them kind.

I am tired, I have pushed and tomorrow is time for me to rest.  No classes,  a day of rest and care for me.  It all begins all over again, Thursday........hello, goodbye.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Time For Yourself

Time for yourself, that particular phrase has crossed my brain several times today.  I actually spent some time for myself this morning.  Rick is taking a master gardening class on Mondays, so the dogs and I hang out together.

Since I teach 10 to 12 classes per week, and sing most weekends, and practice several times  a week, my voice tends to think it has ran a marathon......this morning, I did not speak to the dogs, didn't talk with anyone on the was heaven.  My energy level has been so much better today.
I saw an interview with a Broadway actress several years ago, she said that one day a week
( the day she had off from her show) she spoke to no one.  She mentioned how much it helped her energy and her voice.  I am trying to choose at least few hours each week that I can spend mute.

Time for means many things to each of us........for me silence.....for you it might mean two hours on the phone with a friend, for someone else an hour at the gym.  But no matter what it means to you, it is vital that you take time for yourself.......every day would be good,  but once a week is essential for your well-being, for your survival.  Time for yourself.....let it become your mantra.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prepare For The Rough Spots

"Take control of events while they are peaceful. Prevent difficulties
before they arise. Prepare for rough spots while the going is still smooth. Deal with the situation before it descends into chaos."
- Lao Tzu

I know this quote, I believe it is a truth......but I don't always remember or practice it.
I usually remember it after the fact......but I am getting better at it.  After all, who thinks of rough spots when the going is smooth?

Not sure why this quote spoke to me so strongly tonight, maybe it is a harbinger of what's to come this week, for me or some of you.  I was never a "Scout" though I did attend a few meetings and that stuff about being prepared made sense.

So, here's hoping for a good week, but let's be prepared for the rough spots.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Back to School, Almost

I signed up for an online class today.  This is a first for me, I have never taken an online class.
It is not for credit, though I will be given a certificate of completion at the end of six weeks.
Of all things, it is a course on songwriting, but it is taught by one of my heroes Pat Pattison.
I had the pleasure of meeting him and attending one of his workshops a few years ago in LA.
I kept thinking then, I would love to have him as a professor!  Class starts next Friday.

If you are interested in this class or hundreds of others that are free, check out Coursea.
Free classes, from major universities, and no limit to the classes that you can take.
This is the beauty of technology, the ability for someone from Empire Al. to take a class taught by someone at Berkeley.  I love it!

I have always loved learning, I like going to class.  There is something extremely satisfying about learning, improving yourself and what you do.  Every year I take some sort of yoga teacher on my list......French and a water color class.  Checking with the art museum and art alliance this week.

So excited about all the new songs I will be writing!
Wishing you all a happy Saturday night, a restful, peaceful Sunday.

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Good Night, A Good Gig

Still the rain comes down, but neither fog nor rain nor cold kept our friends and family away from our gig tonight!  We had a great crowd, and it was so much fun to share the stage with our musical friends
The Spook House Saints.  I am so tired, it starts early, loading equipment, unload, set up, play and then tear it down and head home.   But that hour on stage is worth it all.

Tonight after the show a woman walked up to me and said you don't know who I am do you?  It was an old friend from my past!  We had not seen each other in years.  She and her friend were driving by, saw that Hart and Soul ( venue where we were playing) had live music and they came in.......and there I was on stage.   It was so good to see Jo, just an added bonus!  Life can throw some great surprises.

Still an adrenalin rush, but starting to slow down, sleep will come a little later tonight, but that is ok.
Wishing you all a warm and cozy night, hoping that sunshine finds us all soon! Sending you songs straight from my heart full of love.
goodnight, sweet dreams

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Weather Report

Thunderstorms rolling across the hills tonight, but I suppose that is better than ice and snow storms.
Both dogs are attempting to sit in my lap while I type.....this could be difficult.

Usually I try not to complain about the weather, but with a gig tomorrow night, we have to load the sound equipment is not too much fun in the rain......hoping this moves on out by tomorrow.
We are jealous of those who have road crews or roadies.  I am quite a sight in my high heels hauling in speakers and setting up mikes.......but we do have one of the best sound men in the business, and I am curiously strong.

The dogs have settled down now, the rain on the tin roof has lulled them to sleep.  I hear the tea kettle, time for a hot cup of tea and a little more practice.....and then glorious sleep.
For those of you getting hammered by the snow and ice, stay warm and cozy.
Spring is somewhere out waiting for us all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An Act of Kindness

Sometimes you never know what a small act of kindness will do or how long it will last.  There is a beautiful bamboo plant that a friend gave to me a few years ago.....for a couple of years it sat on the mantel, but a few months ago I felt the need for a green plant on my desk.  It now sits in front of the lace curtain on my window, almost as tall as window itself.   I love this plant, it represents many things......friendship, natural beauty, strength, love and caring.

I know when my friend gave me the plant  he probably didn't think about the act of kindness he was doing.  Little did he know how much I loved plants, and how much I cling to them......after all,
I still have a flourishing plant that my mom's mother gave to her in 1964, I have trees in my house that my mom planted.......they touch the peak of our 14 foot ceilings.

Another friend told me several years ago, that all of my plants would be my legacy and I had better think long and hard about who would take them and care for them when I passed on.  That statement made me panic, who would want to care for those old plants?  What would happen to them?
And , who would love them as I do?

I remember my grandmother Mamie would never thank someone who gave her a plant as a gift, she thought it was bad luck, that the plant would die.  I have one of her plants too, a bleeding heart that fills our deck with its beauty every summer.

If you ever think that the gift of a plant might not be that special, don't even go never know how long it will be in that person's life, you'll never know how much joy it will bring.  Giving a plant is giving trust, believing that the recipient will love and care for is also a gift of beauty.
A plant is no small act of least not for me.

This bamboo plant is now 4x the size in the picture.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Responsible for Happiness

"you are responsible for your own happiness."   I wrote that on the board in my class room today.
As my students walked in some of them looked at the board and laughed, others shook their heads.
I told them I thought it was really good news, now they didn't have to blame anyone else if they were
not happy.

There are times, grief, illness, disasters, when life throws a curve and it is just not a happy time.....but day to day living, ordinary days......I believe with all my heart we have to take responsibility for our
happiness......we have to choose to be happy.

When I was a moody teenager, my mom would look at me and tell me I could get mad, sad or glad.....the choice was mine.  Those words ring in my head pretty often......and most often I try to get glad.  I think my mom would laugh out loud if she knew I was quoting her tonight......and she would definitely say "I told you so."

As each group walked into the yoga room and looked at the board, after the nervous giggles and
remarks the looks on their faces showed my statement had an impact.  For many of them, taking responsibility of any kind is something take responsibility for their own happiness seems
un-natural.  They have relied on drugs, alcohol, sex and other people  to make them happy, making themselves happy is like going to a foreign country, unable to speak the language, not understanding the culture.  Seven has always been my lucky number, I hope these seven words bring luck to all of them and all of you......."you are responsible for your own happiness."

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Blues

The wind is howling tonight, it has been all day.  Rain is on its way, again.
My body told me all of this before I stepped one foot out the door this morning.
Most days I move without stiffness, with barely any effort, but then there are days like today.

I think my body might be rusting, like the old 49 Ford tractor in our barn.......I am not as old as the that tractor.......but I do feel the years tonight.  Hot tea and a warm bed beckon to they lie or will they really comfort me?  Maybe the rain on the tin roof will be the lullaby I search for tonight.

Mondays are tough, three classes back to back, class notes to work on, cds to record, blankets to wash......I know cry me a river.  I have to surrender, the bed is winning.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Finger Tips

My fingertips have indentations on them tonight, Rick and I made a pact to take our performing to the next level........I didn't realize it would include pain.   :)   Well, I sorta did.   Sometimes I look at my friends with  beautifully manicured  nails and think wow, wish my hands looked like that.
But then I realize to play guitar, how very short my nails have to be and, my hands are quite often in paint, and in dirt...... lacquered nails are not, have not and never will be in my picture. So instead, my toe nails are purple or teal or some strange color.

I am proud of my calloused finger tips.  I am still no where near the guitarist that I want to be, and I may never reach that level, but I have something to shoot for.  Sometimes I think of all the energy, all the work, the tears, the time that I have put into music, ........and then I think  that is nothing, the really great artists have put way more reps in than me.  But, I can't imagine anyone having more fun
performing than I do.  Music has been a magical path, bringing friends and wonderful experiences to an ordinary life of a small town girl.

I am grateful for parents that encouraged  me to sing, to play......of course they would have preferred my musical  performances be in a church.  :)    I know in my heart they were proud of my voice, and the songs that Rick and I have written.

We have bought guitars for, given piano and guitar lessons to many of our nieces and nephews. None of them have been consumed with the desire that we have.......but that is ok, just the exposure added to their growth.

So tonight, I feel the soreness in my finger tips, feel the fatigue in my voice and know that tomorrow, I will do it all over again.  It is a part of me, a part of who I am and what I do......I wouldn't have it any other way.  Come Friday night, for a couple of hours, the joy of performing will remind me, how good it really it is......and one day, I hope I sing in your town.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Face the Beast

It has taken me a few days to absorb and let go of the news this week of more treatments, still open
ended.  I admit, I have been down......but today was cold, this morning the sun was shinning, this evening snow flurries and I am in a much better frame of mind.
It helped that Rick and I have had a really good practice session, getting ready for our gig next Friday.

Music truly soothes my soul.....and performing forces you into the now.  To play guitar and sing, you have to be present......the mind cannot wander.  Being in the now, the present is where I always need to be, but it is so easy to project, to have expectations and concerns about the future.
There are days you have to allow yourself to wallow, but then that has to end, you find the strength
to face the beast and move on.

This week I faced the beast, wallowed, and moved on.  I hope you all did the same.
Do something fun tonight, do something peaceful tomorrow and always......choose happiness.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Flowing Stream

"When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come."
- Leonardo Da Vinci

As a child I loved to put my hand in a stream and let the water flow over over.  I love creeks, and streams and rivers.......still waters are beautiful, but I love the movement.  When I came across this quote by Da Vinci it reminded me of all those times I stuck my hand in an icy stream.  I love the imagery of a stream containing the past and the future.

Often when I do meditation classes, I speak of sitting by a stream, allowing that stream to move our thoughts so that we don't grasp them, we don't dwell on them.  You can also think of leaves being moved by the water, those leaves can represent your thoughts.......just observing them, never grabbing them, letting them float through your mind.

That flowing stream also represents how quickly life moves, what was upstream a few minutes ago, has already passed on by.  When my family lived in a small house on Main Street in Sumiton, Alabama there was a creek that flowed through our back yard.  I played on the banks of that little stream for hours, imagining all sorts of adventures.  There was a thick cushion of vivid green moss,
red rocks, and tree roots and the occasional snake.  My favorite adventure......fairies lived on the stream, I would become small and enter their world, flying on dragon flies, floating on leaves. Even then I loved the thoughts of a magical world......I loved the world that flowing stream allowed me to create.

After reading this quote, I will never be able to put my hand in a flowing stream again without thinking of Leonardo, without thinking of the past and the future.  I thought of fairies, he thought of life.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not What I Wanted to Hear

I had my consultation with the immune doc today.  I heard what I had expected to hear, but not what I wanted to hear.  Treatments still open ended, forward we go.  It is ok, I know that they are helping and as long as I can feel progress, I can hang in there. They are after all, life sustaining elixirs.

One of the things about those big green chairs.......they are they best patience teachers in the world.
All I can tell myself, I am where I am suppose to be......and yes, this too shall pass.
To be honest, it is discouraging.....I had hoped, I had wanted, but I knew deep down inside all was not well, not as it should be. I heard the Stone's song coming home from work yesterday, "you can't always get what you want, but you just might, you just might get what you need."

It seems as though my membership in the green chair club will continue, the laughter and tears will too.......not why me, but why not.
I have thought of some of my chair buddies, one has been sitting in those chairs three years, another year has been a hard pill to swallow, but moving into this second year has been a reality check and a major soul search.  I remind myself, it could be much worse.

Yes, Jordan came over tonight, and it was just what I needed, we baked four dozen cookies.
Photos tomorrow night.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Sometimes no matter how hard you try, there is someone you can't reach.  I have a student that I am struggling with.  I look at him, his body broken, his spirit a mess and think you need what I can teach you as much as anyone I have ever met........but every time he comes to class, there is disdain in his eyes, disbelief on his face and a wall that he has built around his heart.

It has been a while since I have had someone so resistant to anything that I say.  I know that yoga is not for everyone, I am good with that......but even talking about the benefits of breath work......his eyes glaze over.  You may be asking why is he in my class, often the counselors will write yoga into a patient's treatment plan......they have to come.

It has been a difficult couple of weeks, I have not felt my has been one of those times in my life when I have doubted and questioned myself.  I know this too shall pass, I know in my heart I can't help everyone......yet I still want to help.  

I am off tomorrow, but there is a doctor's visit.......the good news, tomorrow night, Jordan and I are baking Valentine's cookies for his classmates.  We will be sure and take pictures.  He gets pretty creative with the colored sugars.  
The rain is pouring, I am cold and tired, I think my bed and a cup of tea calls to me. And I know, all are not unreachable.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams 

Monday, February 11, 2013


"Expectation is the root of all heartache."  - William Shakespeare

Teaching yoga, I ask students to let go of expectations.  When I teach meditation classes I ask students to let go of expectations.  I tell myself constantly to let go of expectations.......why?
Because as we go about our day to day life, when we expect......most often life does not work out the way we expect it too.

When we give......of ourselves, our time, our talents, our money.....if we give expecting something in return, we might often be disappointed.  When we expect someone to act a certain way, we are setting ourselves up for heartache.

When we can learn to give, when we can learn to live......without expectations......our lives will be much more calm, more peaceful, happier.
Wow, Shakespeare knew yoga.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Gift

For many of you who read my blog, you have met our neighbors, Dixie and Rebel.   They visit our home every morning and get a treat.  They are truly the best neighbors in the world.

This morning, Dixie was out front and behind her was what I thought was Tinker Bell, their tiny friend. I just saw the back of the boot and it was the same color as Tink.  But when I carried Dixie's treat to her, she was sitting beside a boot.
I believe the boot belonged to her owner, a teenager in high school.

She was sitting there looking at me, as though she had brought me a gift.  She had not chewed the boot, it looked as though she had placed it carefully under the white pine, which is her favorite spot in our yard.

Soon, Rebel came over.......he saw the boot, looked at me, then Dixie......and immediately decided Dixie had made a huge mistake.    Rebel picked the boot up and started towards home, Dixie was not going to allow my gift to leave......a tug of war ensued.  Rick had to come outside, take the boot and return it home.  Dixie came back to the house with such a sad look, she seemed so disappointed that I could not keep her gift.  I petted her, gave her another treat and assured her I appreciated her thoughtfulness.   How lucky can I get????? A dog who knows how much I love shoes!!!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

True Silence

"True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment."   - William Penn

Because of what I do, teaching and performing......I have learned the importance of silence.
When I teach, I talk.....a great deal.  And when I perform,  I sing and talk.  It is interesting, when someone calls me and there is a long conservation, I am usually exhausted by the time we hang up.
Same with visits,  long conversation exhausts me.  It took a a long time to figure out why.

Once I realized that most of my energy was being expended by teaching and performing (using my voice) and then on top of that, participating in long conversations.......a light bulb flashed.
I figured my voice was being used as much as a runner's legs were......add in, silence is golden.

I relish my times of silence......moments or hours, that I sit quietly and watch the birds or just look at the sky, or read a book.  For me, silence rests my mind as well as my body.  Breath work and meditation are life savers......not just for me, but for all of us.  I believe the reason so many of us are fearful of silence.......we have become so use to the  cloud of noise that surrounds us, when we experience silence it is scary.  We've become conditioned to "busy" work and think if we practice stillness, we are lazy.

William Penn understood silence, that it was as important to humans as food, water and air.
If it has been awhile since you have allowed yourself to enjoy "true silence".......make yourself a promise that tomorrow, you take five minutes of silence.......if you can, go outside, if not, to the bathroom, closet, wherever  you have to go.......spend five minutes in silence.  Write it on your calendar, that daily five minutes will make a difference in your  spirit as well as your body.

Remember, rest the mind, nourish the spirit......five minutes of silence.  By the way, a walk outdoors in silence.......a mini vacation!

Friday, February 8, 2013

All Things Remarkable

Maybe it is the residue of the drip, but I like to think it was all the love that was sent to me last night......I had a night full of wonderful beautiful dreams.  Thank you all.

Today was better, not great, but better.  This too shall pass.

I did have a little melt-down this morning, I am never snippy and I was very snippy that when Rick asked why I wasn't spreading any sunshine today.......well, I kinda told him what he could do with his sunshine.  But, the sun did shine this afternoon,  the yuckiness  is fading, the fever and aches are better and yes, I did apologize to Rick.

It was wonderful to see blue skies this afternoon and the sunset tonight was one of those vivid rose to burnt orange to red to golden yellow and back to red ones.   Looking at bare black trees against all that color seemed surreal, but it served as a reminder that there is great beauty even on a difficult day.

Wishing  you a weekend of rest, joy and all things remarkable.
Good night, Sweet dreams

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Neither here Nor there

I have slept and read all day......that's what I do the day after treatment.  I have a low grade fever,
aches and a sensation of being neither here nor there and those little waves of nausea.
This too shall pass......and yes, I am still exhausted.

But enough about me, for those of you in the Northeast I hear you have a winter storm headed in your direction.  Be prepared!  Stay safe, and warm......spring will be here soon.

My nice warm bed calls me, so does a cup of hot tea.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Treatment #13

Treatment #13.......the start of a second year of treatments.  Who knew that green chair would become such a part of my life?

The infusion room was packed today, not an empty chair or bed......people waiting for shots and drips.  The nurses were stressed, people were sick......yet there was a calmness that permeated the air.  All of us knew in good time everyone would be taken care of, all would receive what they needed.

My chair buddy from last time is not so well, she sat beside me today........I see the changes taking place,  the sparkle leaving her eyes.......she is such a vibrant lively woman, fading.

I am exhausted, it seems a great deal of my energy these days goes toward keeping my body warm.
I am always cold,  today I had two blankets.......I never got warm.  But, I could be so much worse.

Sitting in that big green chair, I have seen worse......and I know what it looks like.  But, there was laughter too,  you have to laugh and is a reminder that we are all human, grasping at life.
There are hugs, and blessings and prayers.......and no matter how bad you feel when you leave, you know everyone in that room is cheering for you, hoping for you........hoping for themselves.

It is strange, I feel an odd belonging, a sense of camaraderie to that room, those chairs, the patients and the nurses.  It is hard to explain, it sounds a little crazy......but for now, I know that I am where I am supposed to be.  I feel protective of that place, those green chairs and the people who sit in them.
A year ago seems so far away now, the green chairs no longer alien.

Please send good thoughts and prayers and love to those who sit in the big green prayer, one day......we can have a big old bonfire and send those green chairs where they belong.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Different Kind of Class

Tomorrow will be the start of my second year of always I am  a little anxious, but once they start all is well.

Today was body awareness in class, we used tennis balls, foam rollers and rolling pins.  It is interesting to see where you hold stress in the body.  For instance, place a tennis ball on the floor, roll it around with your bare foot, placing all your weight on the ball.  Any places that are tender, painful?
Check out a reflexology chart and see what it tells you.  A rolling pin can help ease stress and tension in your back, tightness in your hamstrings or quads.  One student told me after class that it was the time in six weeks that he felt no tension in his back.

Breath work, meditation and some body work.......a good way to let go of stress, get the kinks out, and put a smile on your face.  I try to make every class different, each unique and always.......teach it with love.  Today was not a traditional yoga class in the sense of postures, but it was very much yoga.

Tomorrow is an early day.
Good night, Sweet dreams

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Glimpse of Spring

As I left home this afternoon I realized how quickly the days have lengthened.  Only a month ago, I drove home in darkness every night, and this evening it was light almost all the way home.
I know many experience SAD and are thrilled that the days are becoming brighter and longer.
I heard on the news that the groundhog did not see his shadow, so according to legend we will have an early spring.

I will miss winter, and the shorter days.  I will miss the bare trees and the cold clear nights, the dazzling sunsets and the large silver moons.  I will miss the scurry and flurry of birds at our feeders.
What can I say, I love my winter boots and sweaters!

But spring is just around the corner, there is evidence all around.  Tiny yellow golden bells, flowering quince, and daffodils are showing their faces.  Over the weekend, we saw a plum tree in full bloom.
But sometimes Mother Nature plays jokes, we have had 70 degree days in February and snow in March.  As I see everything rushing to blossom and flower, I cringe......don't be so impatient, take your time......that wacky groundhog has been known to make mistakes, I want to caution all the trees and plants.....slow down there are still days on the calendar that mark winter.

I know those of you who live where the winters are harsh and long are much like the plants here, in such a hurry for spring and warm days.......know that the snow won't last forever, the wind direction will change and in a few weeks, the sun will warm your skin.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Blessing

A yoga teacher shared this with me, it is so beautiful I wanted to share it with all of you.....
an Irish blessing on a cold winter's night.

Bennacht — A Blessing — by John O’Donohue

On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.

And when your eyes
Freeze behind
The gray window
And the ghost of loss
Gets in to you,
May a flock of colors,
Indigo, red, green
And azure blue
Come to awaken in you
A meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
In the curach of thought
And a stain of ocean
Blackens beneath you,
May there come across the waters
A path of yellow moonlight
To bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
And may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Listening to My Heart

"Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, a trusted friend is the best relative,
a liberated mind is the greatest bliss."   - Buddha

I love sharing a truth with you all......and I think that quote is a truth.  It has been an amazing day, we didn't get much sleep last night because of the gig.  We had to get up early, because Rick had an author's event......honestly, I could have stayed home, and my body so needed the rest......but for some reason I felt compelled to go.  Many good things happened today, including seeing old friends.....but the best thing that happened.......I  got to spend time with Judge Helen Shores Lee.

Her father was a trailblazer in the Civil Rights movement. She and her sister, Barbara have written a book about him, and their lives growing up in Birmingham during the sixties.  Honestly, there should be a book written about the Judge.

She was an absolute delight, I was so glad that I listened to my heart and went with Rick to the event.
The book is available on Amazon, the title  The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill.  I urge you to pick up a copy and read it.

Wishing you all a peaceful Saturday night, a restful Sunday.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1

February 1.......first day of the second month of 2013

February 1.......COLD today!!!!

February 1......the daffodils and forsythia are blooming

February 1.......starting my second year of treatments this month

February 1.......played an incredible gig to a full house tonight

February 1......what happened to January?

February 1.......happy because there are gigs booked for the next four months

February 1......grateful for friends and family who are there when I need them

February 1.......tired, sleepy and very happy  

February 1......a month of hearts, a month of love, a month of remembering brothers who are no longer with us......Herbert, Neil and Darren.....I miss ya'll