Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Final March Musings

Dogs are such intuitive creatures.........Calliou knew today would be stormy.....long before the storms arrived.  After lunch, he began to follow me from room to room, making every step I did.  I knew I should check the weather......sure enough a storm was headed our way.  About an hour later, thunder and lightening, wind and hail and torrential rains........Calliou knew.

Still trying to adjust to the new schedule at work.........lots of deep breathing and knowing in my heart that this too shall pass. There is a loss of hours also, so trying to figure out how to make up the lost dollars.

Classes today were for chronic pain.....whenever the weather changes and the barometric pressure drops......if you suffer from chronic pain, you feel it.

Rick did a seminar today......seems we both have lagging energy tonight.....thank goodness we are off tomorrow......hopefully there will be rest and renewal.

Today is the last day of March 2015.......the first quarter of this year is gone.  I blinked my eyes and lost it.  March is going out like a lion tonight, and April is bringing in showers for May flowers tomorrow.

Lots of musings for this last day of the month, but we did a gratitude ceremony tonight.......gratitude comes first, no matter what the days bring.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Night Thoughts

Schedules changed at work this week.......starting the week rather out of sorts, change is difficult even when it is a simple one.  Classes are later, so tonight my body is trying to figure out why my eating routine was not normal.

Beautiful waxing moon and a star filled sky.......full moon this week, a blood moon I believe.  Hopefully the rains will move out and we can enjoy the night sky.

I am a little tired, a little stressed......time for a cup of tea......
I have seen Easter candy everywhere I go the past few days........I'm sure before the week is up there will be jelly beans and a chocolate bunny in my clutches.

Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Sunday, March 29, 2015


so late when I posted last night, trying to make amends for it by posting extra early this evening.....

A beautiful Sunday evening, but rain will be here soon......weather is a great teacher for life's lessons......enjoy the good when you got it, because change will come.

I hope this week of rebirth, resurrection, hope and new beginnings is a joyous one, no matter your beliefs.  May we all find the peace we seek.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Fun Gig

Family members surprised us at our gig tonight!  My niece Becky and her husband Jeff and my nephew Haven and his wife Alesha and their son Anthony.

We had a great gig, lots of friends and family showed up, much laughter and music.  We had fun and now I am ready for a cup of hot tea and bed.

Top left picture, Rick and I
top right, Becky and Jeff
bottom left, Becky and I
bottom right, Haven, Alesha and Anthony

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hello Hummingbirds

Our first hummingbird looked in our windows this morning........just moments before I had told Rick I expected our little friends to show up at any time.  Since the front of the great room is glass and we hang the feeders in front of the big panes, that is where our ruby throats make their first appearance.
He darts in front  and then it appears he is looking in as if to say......ok guys, I'm here and I am hungry.

He made it just in time to be greeted by a spring cold front.......yesterday it was almost 80 degrees.....today it was barely 50......freeze/frost warning tonight.  I hope he has a warm place for the night.

The downside to  the arrival of spring......pine pollen.  There is already a light dusting on the cars, soon the privets will follow and allergy season will have us in its grip.

We have a gig tomorrow night, one that we always look forward to playing, a place called Hart and Soul in Birmingham.  The fun thing about it, our friends The Spook House Saints will be playing before us and many of our friends have already committed to the show.  We have practiced until our fingers and sore, so we are ready for fun.

I hope there is some fun on your schedule for the weekend, time with friends and family, plenty of hugs and be sure to laugh out loud.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring Sunset

A short time after I got home from work this evening, I looked out my kitchen window and saw the colors of spring fill the sky.

I share my spring sunset with you all tonight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Most Important Goal

It has been two months since my last treatment.  After I told my doctors that I wanted to stop them because of the meningitis that had plagued me for the past three years, the immune doc convinced to think about doing a weekly shot instead of a monthly IV.  At first I agreed, but in my heart it just didn't feel right.

When I made the initial decision to stop I felt the weight of the world leave my shoulders.......but as soon as I said that I would do the weekly subq that sinking feeling hit me again.  Rick and I had  long talks  about it all last week. We called our insurance company and talked with them at length about my past three years with IVIG treatments and all the side effects that I had dealt with.  We asked if I could take a break, a vacation if you will and would I be penalized if wanted/needed to start treatment again.
They assured us, I would not.

I notified my doctor that I would be taking a break.  I haven't heard anything from him, but in all fairness he is a busy man.  My decision was not made lightly, I made pro and con lists, I read every bit of information I could get my hands and I believe my decision was the right one for me.
Three years of meningitis has taken its toll, on my body and spirit.  I am not sure where my path will take me, but I know that when it comes to your health, to your health care.......you cannot go on blind trust.  You have to take responsibility, do your homework, learn as much as possible about your disease.  You have to also learn about treatments, medicines and all the good, the bad and the ugly that come with it.   You have to stand up for yourself, ask questions,  and search for answers.

These past three years in the big green chair have been many things.......an education, an emotional roller coaster, the opportunity to see the best and the worst of our health care system.  I know there is no cure for what ails me, I understand that management is the most I can hope for and that on down the road, the treatments that I currently have turned my back on may be my only choice.  But there came a time when enough was enough at least for now and quality of life was my most important goal.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Laugh At the Odds

My friend Jay sent this quote to me yesterday in his happy birthday wish, tonight I share it with you.

"we are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us."  - Charlee Bukowski

May we all make death tremble.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sofa Birthday

After the dishwasher incident last night, life took a tailspin .........I slept on the sofa last night and almost all day today, rotating ice packs, and advil every four hours.  Much better this evening, but what a way to spend my birthday.  Yep, today was my birthday.  I have never spent one on the sofa but I suppose there is a first for every thing.

I never really had back issues, so this "incident" has been a transformation for me.........never will I take for granted a healthy back.......I have a strong core because of all the yoga I do, cannot imagine going through this episode without the yoga background.  I have eaten yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts and LOTS of water.  The pain was so bad last night it caused nausea, but by this evening I did some VERY GENTLE stretches.

Since stopping the treatments two months I have felt so much better, more energy and stronger so even on the sofa today, I had so much to be grateful for.  It is hard to believe I have walked this earth 63 years.......time has passed so quickly.  I understand  more and more some of the things my mom told me before she passed, one in particular......." if I don't look in the mirror, there are days I don't know how old I really am........and then some days I know exactly how old I am." ;)

Wishing you all a restful Monday night.
Sweet dreams

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Dishwasher Incident

Interesting Sunday evening, I was loading the dishwasher when suddenly white hot pain and the inability to straighten up right.  Rick helped me to the shower, pain is better now, but movement is interesting and rather restricted.  I have laughed to keep from crying.......wow, a unique experience, not one I have had before and not one that I would wish on anyone else.

All those years of yoga, and movement and then.......I load the dishwasher.....who knew?  Other than the dishwasher incident ( as this will come to be known) it has been a nice peaceful, rainy Sunday.
Wishing you all week of mild temps, sunshine and giggles.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sunny and Bright

The jasmine decided to bloom today........sunshine yellow right at our front door climbing the arbor.

The rains decided to come back today also.......showers at first and then downpours.

I hope your day has been like mine.......a little sunny and brightness/ a little grey and cool.......you know the yin and yang.

May your Sunday be peaceful and may you know that  you are loved.

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Moon

New moon, new beginnings........everyone I talked with today seemed out of sorts, unable to feel grounded.  Tonight is a new moon and I have always felt that new moons brought new beginnings, new choices, new paths.  Maybe they do........maybe that is why everyone felt so scattered.

Regardless of the reason, I too felt out of sorts today......not good, not bad.......just sorta of hanging.
After a couple of warm sunny days, the skies turned grey and cooler, rain has moved in......even so, the colors of the blossoms are still vivid, still reminding us that spring is upon us.  I know, you in the east got snow today......in your hearts you must be thinking spring has forgotten us, left us behind, never to return.  Have no fear, she will find you soon.

It is Friday night, the weekend came so fast it left me dizzy this week.  We have a fun gig next weekend, so there will be much practicing in the Watson house the next few days.
Get some fresh air, this weekend, spend time with those you love, and don't forget to laugh out loud daily. Oh yeah, take advantage of the new moon, start a new project.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Purple Spring

For those of you still waiting for spring.......I give you our newest herald today.
Spring is coming, have no doubts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Surprise Path

Rain tonight, cooler temps, maybe freezing again by next week......I knew old man winter would leave kicking and screaming.  Our local shelter had sent word out a few weeks ago that they needed spring clothing.......I thought, I won't be packing my winter things back until maybe mid-April.  I know that Easter is early and they probably do need spring clothing early, but it will be a few weeks before I make my donations.

A long time ago I read that if you purchase something new to wear, then you should give away an article of clothing for each one that you buy.........since reading that I try to practice it.  It made a great deal of sense, if I buy a new shirt or jeans, why hang on to the old ones?  It is so simple in our society to become a major consumer, we are bombarded 24/7 with  advertising urging us to buy.  It is easy for our wants to make us think they are needs.

Wow, sometimes when I sit down to write this blog, I never know where my fingers will take me.
I thought when I started tonight I would be writing about our ever changing weather, little did I know I would go down the path of consumption. Transformation information surprises me almost every night that I write.

On this hump day, I hope that you all are well and happy, warm and cozy.
Goodnight Sweet dreams

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Bit of Spring

Sharing a little more of our spring flowers with you tonight.  We have had our cabbage and corned beef.....time for a cup of tea.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Bouquet

My first bouquet for spring 2015.  It was almost 80 degrees today, blue skies and sunshine.......but I am not foolish, I know that old man winter will kick and scream a few more times before he leaves.  Spring's transformation will take a while.

In the meantime,  the house is filled with flowers and all is right with the world.

Tomorrow is St Patrick's Day......be sure to wear some green!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ides of March

The Ides of March......today is my sister Pat's birthday.  I have two sisters, Pat and Nell, both older than me.  Nell in many ways has been a second mom to me, but Pat has been my "big" sister and friend.
Nell married before I was old enough to go to school ( I was late life, mom was older) but Pat was my baby sitter, story telling sister.  I know I must have been a thorn in her side so many times when she was a teenager........I went on dates with her, visited her friends......you know just basically was a brat to her.

But, the years passed, I grew up and we became great friends.  We talk with each other every day.
Her daughter Jayna cooked birthday lunch for her today ( and me as well, my birthday is soon).
I got gifts o'plenty......clothes, new PJ's, jewelry and wind chimes.  We all ate and laughed, played with Pat's great-grandkids and had a wonderful day.

 I hear stories and know people who do not like their families, who spend no time with them, have no relationships with family members, who spend a great deal of time angry at each other.
I cannot imagine that.  Growing up, I had four brothers and two sisters......we have lived next door to my kid brother Ricky for over 30 years......and yes, as my siblings families have grown we don't always see each other as often as we like, but we know.......we are all only a phone call away.

Today I am so very grateful for my siblings, my two sisters who have always been there for me,
my younger brother who seems almost like a twin, and my three older brothers ( one of which, has passed on) who watched over me like hawks and to this day would drop everything if I needed them.
I am grateful for their love, and the joy they have added to my life.  It has been a good day......and I have said this many times before.......I am a lucky woman.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Build your career around your lifestyle, not your lifestyle around your career.  I saw this come across FB today and it made me take a deep breath.  I know so many whose lives are nothing but their careers.....no friends outside of work, no hobbies......just their career.  I often ask what did you dream about doing as a child or teenager, for many their lives took a very different path.  And that is ok, if you are happy......but if not......then it's time to think about your lifestyle.

The saddest stories I hear are the ones where people have spent their whole lives working a job/career that was meaningless to them, and  because their careers sucked the life out of them, they never had the energy for anything else.  It is never too late, and yes most of us have worked at jobs that were not great, but don't let that rob you of life.  You can have a real life outside of work, one that is meaningful and enjoyable.  You might even find that the fatigue of the daily grind lessens when the after hours are spent doing what you love.

I hope your Saturday had at least one fun moment, one giggle and hug.
I hope your Sunday is filled with peace.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Enough For All

We went up to Berkeley Bob's coffee house tonight to hear some friends play......as always the music was great, and we had a wonderful time.  We got there after the show started, but as I looked over my shoulder I saw a familiar face.........I recognized a yoga student and friend from a few years back.

She had moved away, but had become a yoga teacher, we had kept in touch through FaceBook.
I didn't know she would be there tonight......what a gift, and a great surprise.  Through the years that I have taught, I have encouraged probably five or six students and friends to become teachers.  The same has been true for encouraging singer/songwriters.......we have to encourage others, we have to have someone to carry the flame after we are gone.

Through the years,  I have met people who never encouraged others, who looked at everyone as competition.........I have many faults, but I hope that not encouraging those around me will never be one.  Those that I have inspired to become teachers and singer/songwriters have quite often inspired me......and made me proud......I believe there is enough.......enough for all of us if we share......

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Irony of Life

I saw this on a tee shirt on FB, but it is a beautiful truth.......

" Life is too ironic to fully understand.  It takes sadness to know happiness.  Noise to appreciate silence.
Absence to value presence."

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello Spring

Hello spring!  Overnight we have had blossoms.....quite a cheery sight  to look out through bare woods and see golden bells.......
( forsythia) .    More rain and probably  more cold weather to come, but that's ok......spring is coming too.

I hope where ever you are tonight, tiny glimpses of spring are beginning to appear in your neighborhood.  That's the amazing trans formative powers of color after winter's bleakness......just a little will brighten your day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wacky Chickens

The rains have come......pouring, pounding rain.....sheets of the wet stuff, along with mud and muck.
I walked by our back doors tonight, and on a whim decided to turn on the outside light to watch the rain.   There was one of our big red hens, sitting on our porch furniture in the rain looking pitiful.
It was as though she was waiting for us to discover her and take her back to the hen house.

Rick threw on his rain slicker, picked her up and carried her down to the hen house........it's always something.  This morning he didn't shut the door to the chicken pen/yard.....as I was getting ready for work, I looked out the bathroom window and saw Zeus and his hens parading across the back yard.
It took a while, but I got them all back in the chicken yard......those wacky chicks they just want their freedom.

My cup of hot lavender tea is waiting for me, time to go sip and listen to the rain.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

Monday, March 9, 2015

I Love Music

I think this quote sums up my thoughts about music.

" I love music.  For me, music is  morning coffee.  It's mood
medicine.  It 's pure magic.  A good song is like a good meal-
I just want to inhale it and then share a bite with someone else."

- Hoda Kotb

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Time Change

One more picture from our pizza picnic yesterday.
My nephew James, me and my little brother Ricky, ( James' dad).

Time change today.......the hardest part for me is getting up when it is dark......it seems no matter how much coffee I drink, it just doesn't  get me going.  I am exhausted today, it will take me a few days to acclimate to the change. I am not a fan of daylight savings time.  :)

I hope the coming week is an easy one for you all.
Our rainy season has set in, rain is forecast for the next seven days.......for us here on the farm, better than a drought.  Blessings of peace and great joy tonight and tomorrow......don't forget to breathe.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pizza Picnic

My nephew James and his family came home for a visit this weekend, they live in Mississippi.
We had an impromptu pizza picnic at the Veteran's Park in Birmingham.

It was warm and sunny, and the kids all ran and played until they were exhausted.  That's my brother Ricky (James' dad)  and James seated, along with Daisy, Jordan and Anthony. Standing are Breeze, Stone, Joy, Andrea, Samantha and myself.

It has been a long fun filled day and of all nights, we lose an hour this evening.  I hope your Saturday has been as wonderful as mine.  May your Sunday be filled with peace.

Friday, March 6, 2015


for all of you who love to read as much as I do,  a beautiful quote about books tonight

"Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul.  The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and  lived and dreamed with it.  Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens. "  - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Do you feel stagnant sometimes?  I have felt that way for the past few days......I feel the need to learn something new.  I will be taking a meditation course in the summer, but I want something now.....a yoga teacher training or a water color class or maybe a language class.........I have this urge to stretch my brain.  I also have the desire to experience silence.

Experience silence you ask........I use my voice daily......for teaching, for singing.......there are times that I wish for at least a twenty four hour period of silence.  I have looked at some weekend retreats, have any of you ever done a silent retreat?

Ruts are easy to fall into........they are comfortable.......but on occasion, I think we need to stretch our wings, expand our world.....that's what I am seeking these days.  I am putting it out there, the universe
will receive my desires and soon......something new will come my way I am sure.

On this cold Thursday night, the ice storm showed mercy on us and left us with traces of ice and bitter cold.......folks north of us did not fare so well.  Tender mercies are always appreciated.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mother Nature's Humor

Last Wednesday we had snow, tonight we are waiting for an ice storm......Mother Nature has a sense of humor.  I loved the snow, but the ice makes me nervous.......you know trees down, power lines down, roads in a mess.

But today......it was almost 80 degrees, wow.Weather can take you on a roller coaster ride of epic proportions.

I was off today and it has been a very good day......good energy levels, I am thankful.

I hope that your hump day has been a good one, and if you like most of the country it seems will be dealing with some sort of winter storm in the next 24 hours, be safe, be warm and cozy.
Just remember, spring will come. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


"The knowledge is there within us.  We have only to think about the advice we have for others and then have the humility to see if we're following it ourselves."   - Jinny Ditzler

This quote is from one of my favorite books, Your Best Year Yet.
If you are looking for a good basic self-help guide, this book is excellent.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Worth the Pursuit

I had a new student today.  I asked if he had done yoga at any time.......he was hesitant, and then he said yes, but to be honest it was not a good experience.  I was brave, I asked what had happened......and he told me.  The teacher was young, limber as a slippery snake and unkind........I took a deep breath.....and apologized for his bad experience.   I hear the story too often.....teachers who have taken this incredible mind body science and turned it into some sort of competitive sport for the young, thin and limber......no wonder people are afraid of yoga.

I explained to him the structure of my class, I promised him he would never find judgement in my class room, that he would do only what his body allowed........we went through class.  After class when he walked out the door his views on yoga were changed.  He left happy, knowing there was much more to yoga than what he had experienced before.

So often when I tell someone I meet that I am a yoga teacher......I see the fear or even contempt in their eyes.....I hear the words, I'm not limber, I'm too fat, I'm too old, I am sick.  Yoga can be experienced by anyone, even someone who is bed-ridden.  Much like so many things in our society, the media has made it such a one dimension "trend" ( which by the way is several thousand years old)......that sadly
many do not see its real value.   To be honest, I have had a few students through the years who only wanted yoga for an exercise program, a quick fix, easy weight loss regime.......they didn't take many classes from me.....and that's ok.......they will find their way, or maybe not.

If you have had a bad experience in a yoga class, I am sorry......please try again, try a different teacher, a different place.  Be honest about your limitations, your ability and what you want.  Understand that yoga is a practice, a life time path with great rewards.......it is something that you can do when you are young and continue your whole life in some shape or form.  It is worth the pursuit.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1

March 1.......rainy, but still some bits of snow around

March 1.......many birthdays this month of friends and family, mine as well

March 1.....spring, the season makes an appearance

March 1......time springs forward in a few days

March 1.....Alabama tornado season starts today

March 1......soon there will be daffodils and forsythia and tiny purple violets

March 1.....though I was born in the spring, it is not my favorite season

March 1.....beware the Ides of March

March 1......St. Patrick's Day, always corned beef, colcannon,   Irish soda bread and the wearing of the green

March 1.....tonight, three deer came to our bird feeders and ate dinner

March 1......sometime in the next few days a different type of treatment starts for me, prayers that I leave the meningitis behind

March 1.....the best thing about March, sandals and white jeans, fresh young peas, new potatoes and grilled salmon