Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mountain Fever

Mountain fever, not what you I sit in Telluride, Co. on top of a mountain , surrounded by beauty that just cannot be explained. Flowers are blooming, the air is clean and crisp, and the stars are shining brighter than I have ever seen. Of course, I have also just had 20 minutes of oxygen, feeling a little light headed. Today, I feel as though I am in a movie, because everywhere I look, it is just that incredible. They say the mountains here are much like the Swiss Alps, and as I looked around on the drive up the mountain I did feel a little bit like Heidi.
and I did have the urge to yodel a time or two. This is a place that I wish I could bring all my friends and family, so perfectly serene, peaceful, it is heaven on earth. I do have Mountain Fever, the urge to come back soon and I haven't even left!

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