Friday, March 15, 2019

Happy Place

There must be some sort of weird planetary energy taking place.  For the past few days I have been out of sorts at home, at work, in mind and spirit.  Today was no different.  We had a small tornado very near our house last night.  This season, this time of year just keeps me on pins and needles.
But the weather guys say for the next week things look good, fingers are crossed.

The treat every day is to see what bloomed during the night before.  This morning yellow jasmine at the front of the arbor was shinning against the bright blue skies.  After yesterday's dark stormy afternoon, this morning was a happy place to be.

And Jordan spent the day with me.  Now days, he spends the day only when he is not feeling well, so he was here for rest and comfort food.  I made sure there was plenty of both.  We sat in the sunshine for a while today and saw our first butterfly of spring and we blew bubbles.  A good day for both of us.

I hope your weekend brings you a glimpse of spring, a glimmer of hope and a flash of joy.
Remember to be kind.


  1. Yellow jasmine! The scent must be heavenly.

  2. When I see a beautiful fragrant bloom, I thank God for the fragrance and beauty and especially my sense of smell. Isn't it just so amazing that we can smell fragrance? There is such harmony in God's creation.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. I try to always be kind and see the good in people
