Saturday, November 25, 2017

Early Traditions

Before I decorate our house, before we put up a tree, I do arrangements for our parents graves.
My folks did not decorate extensively, but they loved Christmas...the tree was their biggie, that and sending out Christmas cards.  They were old school.  The tree never went up until a couple of weeks before Christmas, it went down on New Year's Day.  Rick's mom loved the decorations, on Thanksgiving afternoon her kids and grandkids would meet up at her house and by dark, her yard was a Christmas fantasy and her tree was decorated.

Since our parents are gone, I figure the least I can do is put a little Christmas cheer on their graves.  I guess for some it might seem silly, but in some weird way I feel that they know and love that I do it.
Today, I place silk holly and poinsettias and plaid ribbon arrangements on their graves.  I always cry.  Holidays are tough without them, no matter how many years they have been gone.

While Rick watched the Alabama/Auburn game ( our team lost) I began painting Christmas cards.
It is a slow go, painting each and everyone by hand, I have to start early. It's a tradition that I will do as long as I possibly can. 

Enjoy your Sunday.  May we all know peace, kindness and joy.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like everyone has the same tradition of putting some decorations on the graves.

    I haven't put any flowers on my daughter's grave but I have planted tulips in my garden. They will bloom for her in the spring and last for a while to come up again and again.

    This time of year the cemetery committee ask that the flowers be removed from the graves as winter is approaching they the flowers blow away in the wind.

    The cemetery has a caretaker and the parishioners help with a yearly cleanup in the spring.

    Enjoy the new week.
    Hugs, Julia
