Monday, December 23, 2013

Almost Christmas

Almost students were subdued today, for some, this will be the first time they have never been home for Christmas.  Many got pass outs to go home, at least for a few hours or a couple of days, but for a few Christmas will be quite different this year.  There are worse places to spend the holidays, but an addiction center is not a place people dream of being at this time of year.

The flu bug is still raging, it is cold and damp.....but there were hugs and Christmas greetings....and we did our classes listening to soothing Christmas carols.  Many times, I have taught on Christmas Eve, but not this year, my body and spirit need the rest. I will stay home tomorrow, breakfast with my brother and his family and then in the afternoon, Rick and I will visit friends who are  not so well.
Some time tomorrow, there are cookies to be baked.......I am running way behind on my holiday baking.  :)

I hope that Christmas Eve is one of joy for all of you tomorrow, cherish those you are with, share memories of those who are no longer here, and may peace wrap around you like a warm blanket.
May all your Christmas wishes come true.

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