Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Purple Rain

Rains came yesterday afternoon and last night.  Maybe in the next month or so we will be out of the drought.   My purple pansies greeted me in all their splendor when I came home from class this morning.  Purple rain has haunted my brain all day.

Hump day is almost over, this week will be over soon as well as the month of February.  March is waiting and spring is forcing the winter we never had to leave.
Enjoy the rest of your week.  Spend your time wisely.  There are no refunds.


  1. I love those tough little pansies. They really are beautiful. I'm glad you're getting some rain to green things up.
    Wow, the week is going fast.

  2. The pansies always brighten my day. Wed. seems to go from one to another way too quickly.
