Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1

March 1...came in like a lion

March 1...my birthday month, as well as a my sister Pat's, my nephews James, Jared and Dewayne, my nieces Becky and Dani, my sister-in-law Deb, my friend Keith and may he RIP my friend Ron.
Oh yes, my sister's best friend Asa and our friend Danny and if I forgot anyone, sorry.

March 1...daffodils, violets and golden bells are blooming

March 1...our biggest snow ever came in March of 1993...18 inches

March 1....a fickle month, some days warm, some cold, some stormy, some sunny...she just can't make up her mind

March 1...Daylight Savings Time returns...I am not a fan

March 1...Easter is this month

March 1...Spring officially arrives

March 1...spring break for our local schools

March 1....our first gig of 2016 is March 5....Yeah!

March 1...white jeans, white sweaters...my favorite fashion for early spring

March 1...starting to look for new sandals

March 1...let's plan a vacation

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