Rick and I share an office. Buddy loves the office, it is his domain! No matter how long Rick may be on the computer,
Buddy sits patiently until all work is done.
We also use the office as a recording studio. This weekend Rick helped me record a yoga nidra for my students at work.
For those of you who are not into yoga, yoga nidra is a deep relaxation process, twenty minutes is like a three hour nap!
I had written several and the students had asked me to record one.
So we set the mike up, and Buddy of course, wants to stay
in the office. I am thinking, this will not be good......he'll scratch, he'll bark, there is no way he will be still while we do this! I get started, and about five minutes into the recording, I hear these soft funny little noises coming from Buddy.........apparently yoga nidra works really well on dogs........Buddy was snoring!
So, we let Buddy snore, finished the recording and layered my voice with soft chimes,the sound of water flowing, and Buddy's snores. It's pretty cool! When I gave out the copies to my students at work today, I told them the story about Buddy. They loved it! Along with all the laughs, someone said that they were going to play their copy for their dog.
I guess that means Buddy is now a recording star,though the only pay he got was a Slim Jim.
I was thinking I could put some ink on his paw and he could sign copies of the cds.
Ya'll let me know if you want one!
I want one! Seriously, I do.