Thursday, July 6, 2017


For years I tried my luck growing eggplants.  Each time there was disappointment.  My oldest sister Nell who is a farmer extraordinaire suggested I plant them in pots.  She never fails me!
There will be eggplant on the grill this weekend.  I am so excited.

A busy day tomorrow.  Appointment with eye doc, a visit with my friend Louis, and a monthly run to Costco.  It is all good.

We have been at wit's end these past few weeks.  Our collie is terrified of storms.  We had bought a thunder vest, tried sedatives, music.  They all sorta worked, as long as we were here.  Yesterday storms came through with horrible thunder and lightening.  He left the house ( through the doggie door) and escaped somehow over our fence while we were at work.  Rick found him when he got home, dripping wet.

A friend who spends his days working with dogs suggested putting him in a crate.  There is one on its way from Amazon.  Keeping our fingers crossed that this gives our sweet beautiful dog some peace.

Tomorrow is Friday, the start of another weekend.  Didn't we just have one?  I hope there is sunshine, peace and kindness for all of us.


  1. Hope the crate makes him feel safer.

  2. Nice eggplants. I hope the crate will help the dog feel secure. I know when I have a new born calf that is too wild and runs away from me, if i I put it in a small pen enclosure, it calms right down, so I can see the possibility that it will work.
    This week has been absolutely busy from morning to bedtime, making this a very short week for me too.
    Hugs, Julia
