Sunday, November 13, 2016

Peace, Joy and Love

This next twenty-four hours bring a full moon.  According to all the FB hype it brings dynamic changes, you think?

I know tonight there is energy moving throughout the world and change is coming.  Change is scary for most.  When we think about change, we don't always embrace it, but we want it to be positive and good for all involved...well, at least I do.

I have had great wonderful changes take place in my life, such as single to married, career changes, changes in places I have called home.   I have also had heart breaking, gut wrenching changes  like death and illness.

I look at the  night sky tonight and I hope that the changes that are coming bring we humans to a better place.  I hope that respect and kindness come with those changes and that we stand up to the Pandora's Box that has been opened and we demand that hate goes back in the box and the lid is shut.

I call this blog Transformation Information for a reason.  When I started writing I wanted to share love and kindness, to give hope and maybe naively spread some peace and joy.  I still believe with all my heart that the only way to replace hate is to love.

Tonight I wish you peace, joy and love.

1 comment:

  1. Life is way too short to fill it with negatives and I wish you peace, joy and love right back. This month give us all the chance to be thankful for all our blessings.
