Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Thank you all for your kind words, encouragement and prayers.......many of you have read my blog for a long time.......I feel as though you are family.  You have seen me on the roller coaster for the past three years and know that it has not been a pretty ride.

The facility that I work at is based on the 12 step program.......our foundation, one day at a time.
I truly believe that is how our lives can be lived to their day at a time and one breath at a time.  I often teach that all we have is the now, this breath that we are taking right now.  The past is over, the future might not come.......we have now.

There have been some scary moments since I made the decision to stop treatments, doubts and questions......but each time, I try to take a breath and whisper, this too shall pass. I have now.....that is what's important.

Blessings to all of you tonight, for your support, encouragement and love.......I wish I could gather you all in my arms for a big hug.  Where ever you are tonight, I hope you are cozy and warm and loved.


  1. What a wonderful wish - cozy, warm and loved. That I am - thank you.

  2. Jilda, May you have a good night's rest knowing that you are valued, and loved. blessings to you - Marsha

  3. I know that you are cozy warm and loved. Thank you for the sentiment as I am all those things too. It will be an education to travel with you on your newest journey.

  4. I know your journey is a scary one Jilda. You are a brave and wise lady. Prayers for renewed strength and healing.

  5. Sending you prayers of love and healing on angel's wings and warm breezes.

  6. Big hug from Ohio! (Now if you could just send some warm our way, that would be great!)
