Friday, February 6, 2015

Moon Magic

The full moon is peeping through the lace curtains tonight, I needed those magical beams of lights.
I love moon rises as much as sun rises, I think of them as hope.......for a new day, a restful night.
I taught my classes today and for the first time in ten days I actually felt like makes such a difference when the meningitis begins to leaves.

Tomorrow there is sunshine and 60 degree temps in the think the snow dance that Jordan and I did is working backwards.  Back to the drawing board on that one!

My students have been incredible this week, though I didn't say  much about not feeling well, they knew and have been there for me in amazing ways. I am so humbled by their love and kindness.

The moon is floating above the tree tops now.  When I graduated from high school in 1970, I thought that by now trips to the moon would be an every day occurrence.......what a disappointment.  I would love to look down and see the earth from the moon.  Looking through the window I can see the shadows and shades of light on the moon, it is brilliant tonight......and as I often say, I love the connection of looking up at the moon and knowing that you all can look up and see the same moon.

I hope your weekend is full of magic, that hugs and laughter are plentiful.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

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