Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Kid We Use to Be

We watched the movie tonight, The Kid with Bruce Willis.  Through the years I had seen bits and pieces of it, but never from beginning to end.  An interesting story and probably one that on some level we would all like to experience.

Bruce Willis' eight year old self comes to visit him a few days before his 40th birthday.
The child is disappointed in the grown-up that he has become, and the grown-up is appalled at his eight old self.

But, because it is movie, they began to talk and they learn about themselves and their life between 8 and 40.  I remember a great deal about myself when I was 8, but it would be nice to meet me.
It would be nice to assure the child that life would have its ups and downs but no matter what, it would be ok.  And for my old self, it would be nice to truly remember the details of my childhood.

It is a Disney movie, but that is ok. I loved the story, I am a sucker for happy endings.
I think that for good or bad, it would be nice to meet the kid I use to be.  There are so many things I could reassure her about, her fears, lack of self-confidence...but even without my grownup intervention I think I made it through ok.

Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. If as children we have loving adults to guide us we probably would not be as disappointing to ourselves either as children or adults. I believe that is why you like yourself.

  2. I had a happy and carefree childhood although we were poor, my mother always instilled in me a pride of always doing my best with what I had. I was self confident but when we moved to another area in my teens, I met with some competitive people who thought they were better than anyone else and my poverty shone through. Yet that motto "to always do my best with what I had "persevered.

    It would be nice to reassure that young girl that she was on the right path despite her poverty.
    I'd like to see that movie.
