Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Friend Filled Day

Today has been a good day.  It started with a call from a really special friend this know when you haven't heard someone's voice in a long time, how good it is to hear them....that is how my morning started.
Then we had a cleansing of sorts.......we still had trees  that had fallen during the April 27th tornadoes, and others that had fallen in storms since.  We had a huge bonfire, it is still burning, but it seemed as those trees and all that debris burned to ash, there was a clearing of energy all around us. It was as though a cloud lifted.

Then later today, we got a call about a booking at a new coffee house, so we have a another gig! Then this evening, another friend that I had not spoken with in along time called.  We talked for over an hour.
It is amazing how connecting with people you care about, can change your day!  I have had a smile on my face all day.

So tonight, I am about to watch one of my favorite PBS shows, The Vicar, drink some hot tea and go to bed with a happy heart.  Prayers of gratitude, and sweet dreams to you all.


  1. What a lovely day! I had a wonderful visit with my mom today too. Happy dreams.

  2. A wonderful way to end the week - on a high feeling.

  3. SO glad today's events have you smiling again - blessings to you!

  4. Sounds like you really did have a great day.......

  5. Love to know everyione is having a good time... Having a good day and having a happy heart...


  6. It sounds like a realy great day.I have started my garden works with lot of help and we are progressing greatly.So I am happy too;)

  7. We don't watch TV but we watch The Vicar on Netflix. We watch mostly PBC shows and take turns which one to watch. Good for you clearing the land and understanding how it is also clearing your life.

  8. I too had a call from oldest and best friend out of the blue and it made my day. It's so good to have those friends who are always with you even when they aren't!!! You asked me to email you to get a copy of Rick's book but I don't have your email. If you can email me I can reply to yours. Hugs
