Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday Recap

Every morning as we drink our coffee I pull up my trusty weather app and give Rick my weather report.  I give him the weather in San Francisco, Ireland, Sedona, Telluride and then Alabama.
It drives him crazy, because we are still in the midst of one of our hottest summers on record and all of these places are having lovely cooler temperatures. I keep telling him we need a vacay and I try to entice him with the weather info.  Sadly, it is not working.  What can I do?

This has been a busy work weekend for the home.  Working on the screen porch, clearing closets, and of course, washing the yoga blankets.  But, Rick did a great job on the new steps and rescreening the porch.  We are ready for fall breezes and coffee on the porch.

Can you believe we are at the end of August?  Summer is almost gone and before we know it 2016 will be too.  This is looking to be a very busy week for me.  My day planner is jammed for the next few days.  I will have to remind myself to breathe.

Hoping we all have a smooth transition into September this week.  New moon brings new opportunities.  May we all have peace.


  1. Jilda, it sounds like you had a peaceful day. Fall is here in Colorado. The mornings are low 50s or high 40s. Come & visit!

  2. You know we've had the same hot weather here and even my kiddos in Portland, Ore have had a hot summer. I'm thinking we'll all be ready for some cool Fall breezes soon! Our wedding anniversary is the last day of this month..always means Fall coming soon to me! Don't work to crazy this week!
