Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who We Are

Holy Cow, Batman!   They are here!!!!!  WOW!!!!! Our CDs came to day........there has been some happy dancing at the Watson house.

All I can tell you, if you have a dream, a wish, a hope.......never ever give up.  It may not happen when you want it, it might not take place on your time table.......but if you pursue, if you work can make it might not even appear the way you thought it would......but it can happen.

Now for shameless self-promotion.....if you desire to hold in your very own hand, a Rick and Jilda Watson CD, to hear our voices and original can order from our website.

Life takes twists,  through the years, we have recorded with friends.  But, honestly there is something so satisfying about doing this yourself.......your responsibility, for, vocals, design.  I have never given birth, but I felt that sense of pride, the feeling that this was a piece of me......that hopefully, it will be here giving joy, after I am long gone......the songs are a piece of us and the friends who helped write some of them, the music is us, the voices are is Rick and Jilda is who we are......our philosophy, our life.


  1. I will be getting it, Jilda.
    How exciting! Congratulations!

  2. Ordered your CD right away. How very exciting.

  3. Woohoo! Count me in! Congrats!

  4. Jilda,

    I put this same comment on Rick's blog site, but I wanted you to get the message as well about your CD:

    I'm so glad I ordered your CD! It came in the mail the other day and I have listened to it in the sanctuary if my car as I drove to and from work. I am very impressed with the songwriting you and Rick have done. These are memorable tunes -- I find myself singing them later on throughout the day. "World Keeps Spinning" is one of my favorites in the CD; everything came together beautifully in that one. So many of the songs carry helpful metaphors about life such as lyrics found in "The Eagle" and "Sad Cafe." "Tattooed Soul" was beautifully haunting, and the melody took a slightly different turn from the other songs -- great versatility. I also have to say that the guitar work was full, beautiful and impeccably performed. Since I haven't had the opportunity to hear you and Rick in person, this CD was a real treat!
