Saturday, September 14, 2019

Science Geeks

We took Jordan and his Nana to visit Cook's Museum of Natural Science today.  The Cook family gave back to their community ten-fold with this museum.  It is truly a beautiful experience with most of the exhibits including some sort of hands on interactions.  It was thrilling to see families bringing their children to experience science in such a creative way.  I feel sure several budding scientists were inspired today.  Jordan was just beside himself.  We spent almost three hours there and he would have stayed much longer if the adults had just a wee bit more energy.  The museum is located in Decatur, Al so if you are ever in the area I urge you to take a couple of hours and find your inner science geek.
In the photograph we are at an exhibit created by someone from NASA.  About every 60 seconds the climate and terrain in this "sand box" would change....desert, Arctic, jungle, tropical...we built a mountain out of sand, a volcano, lakes and saw all of them change as the climate and location changed.

It was a truly wonderful experience.  I think it is safe to say, a good day was had by all. 


  1. Jordan looks like he's enjoying himself! What a great place to spend the day.
