Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Back in early summer, a thunderstorm rolled through and lightening struck one of our 100 year old oaks.   He is still living but there is a long nasty scar from his battle with nature.  A few days ago we had dry hot winds and the next day when we walked there lay a long strip of bark that had fallen from the struck tree.    I have been known to do a few crafts, so I am letting the bark weather a bit longer before I get creative.  It's one of the longest strips of bark I have ever seen and it is beautiful.
I snapped this photo this morning.   The textures and colors are mesmerizing.  This strip is about six feet long.



  1. I'm sure you find something lovely to do with that bark. It's weathered look tells the story.

  2. I'm sure you'll think of something to do with it.
    I throw all the bark in the wood stove. I know, I'm heartless but it makes good heat in on a gold morning.
    Hugs, Julia
