Saturday, September 29, 2012

Teacher Is Taught

Today has been a day of transformation for me in many ways.  I said goodbye to my friend Rosemary,
her memorial service was beautiful and uplifting and a celebration of her life.
I received a most exquisite hand drawn card from a good friend in Arizona who is an amazing artist, and is having serious health issues himself.  The note explained that the card held an endless supply of hugs, and that anytime I needed one to help myself.

I went to my first yoga training since my treatments started.  I can't lie, my body is shaking, the nausea is coming in waves, my head is throbbing.......but it was so important to me to do this.
I needed to spend my time with one of my closest friends, Jackie, I needed to see what my body is still capable of doing.  I knew going in, it would not be easy.......and we will see what tomorrow night brings.

At the beginning of class, we had to introduce ourselves and be honest about where/what was taking place in our lives.  I kept it short......I am a yoga teacher at an addiction center, I work also with PTSD active military, a singer/songwriter and that I had always considered myself a healer.....but my body was failing me, and it seemed I could not heal myself.  The teacher spent the next several minutes telling me about focusing my energy on my healing and not everyone else's......that I had reached a place in my life where I had to spend energy on me and not those around me.  WOW......a little transformation information for me!!!!!

My friend and I went to dinner after the class, we talked openly and honestly for a long time.
We both needed this class, this time together.  A FaceBook friend had posted this unknown quote today,   "Some people come into your life just to teach you how to let go."  Considering my day,
that post spoke straight to my heart.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. I love to do yoga too. It is relaxing and firming all at the same time. I just took your button to my sight. (and your hubbies, too)

  2. Amazing following on the heels of your previous post.
