Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spreading Your Wings

Tonight I spoke with a young woman who brought back so many memories of myself years ago.
She is young, and talented and smart and full of life and longing to see the world and do it all.
I talked with her about my life, and I shared  the fact that I had lived a rather unconventional life.

I know that there are some who thought/think I was/am a flake, others who thought I was irresponsible.......but I have lived an amazing life.  I have experienced people and places and things that many just dream about.  I know that I marched to my own drummer, and that makes some uncomfortable......it makes me happy.

I spread my wings, my parents and family and friends did not always understand and often did not agree with what I did.......but I made my choices, and accepted the responsibility of them. I searched for my own spiritual life, found my passions, and followed dreams.  All my paths have brought me joy, and the one I follow now has brought me unbelievable peace and happiness.

I encouraged this young woman to follow her passion, but most of all to trust her heart, it would never steer her wrong.  I think she is like so many her age, stressed, worried, trying to make everyone happy and proud, and giving up her authentic self.

Life is not about the car, or the house or the job.......life is short.....it is about service and joy and kindness and love.  It is about using the talents you were given, following your dreams, listening to your heart.  It is about spreading your wings, finding your way, and knowing in your heart you did the right thing.  Life is short.....life is short.......life is short.  (no matter if you live to be 100)


  1. It takes some of us years to learn these lessons.

  2. Most definitely life is short and NOT about things. The best we can do for our children is give them roots and wings to fly!
    Hope y'all are feeling loved...

  3. I've always felt life is not a job and a paycheck. I feel bad for people who hate their jobs and go through life frustrated.
