Friday, February 24, 2012


Most sunsets this time of year are dazzling vivid streaks of color, often the sky looks as though it is on fire......not this evening.  As I drove home, I noticed that the sky was filled with pastel pinks, peaches, blues and could have been
a Monet.

Unusual sky, especially since a cold front had just moved through today.  Believe it or not the photo you are looking at is a sunset.....pretty amazing isn't it?

I loved the shift in colors seemed clean and fresh.....a new beginning.  I think Mother Nature wanted to let us know, spring is early, get ready!  Sometimes the world needs softness, this sunset proved it.

In my class today, I had talked about non-violence.
Not harming ourselves, it seems simple and easy to talk about non-violence toward others.....we get a little nervous when we start to talk about kindness to ourselves.  As we did our breath work I mentioned allowing the breath to be a comfort today,  a compassionate energy coming into the body.  This beautiful soft sunset seemed to reinforce all that I had talked about.  Softness, easy
movements, easy breath, stop being so hard on ourselves......I think Mother Nature and I agreed today.


  1. Beautiful sunset Jilda! I loved the post you did on signs. I do believe in signs and I think that butterfly was sent just for you. After my nephew died we would find small white feathers during times and places where feathers shouldn't be. We just gather them up and smile...yes, I believe in signs and also the peace of a beautiful sunset.

  2. Oh I can't wait for spring! Come on Mother Nature!

    This is a beautiful pic, thanks for sharing Jilda! Take care

  3. Today was the first day I felt Spring in the air. It is warm and soft it smelled good - as if life was growing.

  4. Oh what a beautiful sunset I love watching the sunset and do it often from my back yard.........
