Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thursday Thoughts

Today we masked up, took plenty of hand sanitizer and did a supply run to Costco.  Everyone in the store had on masks, distance lines are clearly marked at checkout.  It was a smooth easy experience.
I also saw my acupuncturist today.  First treatment I have had in about 6 months.  It was time, the heat and storms had triggered more bouts of migraines and vertigo.  Feeling much better tonight.
I was the only person in the office, the doc wore shield, mask, gloves, gown, I felt safe.

Our numbers of those testing positive are rising daily in our county, so are the deaths. People still laugh at Rick and me when we go out with our masks on.  That's ok, the laughter fades when someone you know gets sick.  We are not a heavily populated county, soon everyone will know someone sick.

The rains are moving out for a few days.  It will be nice to see the sun and blue skies.  Because of the dust from the Sahara our sunsets and sunrises have been amazing. 
Be kind, be safe.


  1. Out numbers are also high. Many youngsters among the infected.

  2. A cold sunny day here our numbers are ok still only 104 deaths and only 37 new cases in the state

  3. Let's hope more people will wear masks in your county, but if they don't you will have the last laugh. It would be sad to know that friends or family get sick if you didn't wear a mask. I don't understand people any more. Take care and hope you stay well.
