Friday, March 6, 2020

A Tree Day

Our house smells wonderful.  When I came home from work yesterday, a clean yet sweet smell wafted  through the great room.  I knew what it was.
Walking to the garden doors leading out to the deck the fragrance grew stronger,  my meyer lemon tree is covered in buds and blossoms.

Last year the crop was a dud.  Year before last, we had a great crop...I made lemon pound cakes, lemonade, lemon sauce for salmon.  Fresh meyer lemons are incredible.  Fingers crossed,  that we have a large crop this year.  I will keep you posted.

This morning we stood for almost an hour in the cold to buy trees from the forestry association.  We are the proud owners of red buds, sweet shrubs, holly, plum, paw paw, sour wood, fringe tree and more.  Tomorrow we plant trees.


  1. Oh my on ALL the trees. Sound like you all will be busy for a while planting them. With all the rain you've had, it should be a good time to plant.How wonderful you have your own lemons . What a blessing !
