Wednesday, August 5, 2015

No Drama

A day without such a wonderful thing.  Jordan had swim class this morning, and then the most dramatic event of the day was giving Taz a bath.

Normal uneventful, undramatic days give us the strength to make it through the roller coaster days, whether they be good or bad.  Today restored my energy, allowed me to rest, laugh and remember
these days are the nourishment for the soul.

The heat is still relentless here in the south, but there is a chance of rain and a drop in temperatures for a few hours tomorrow.  One thing about the humid heat, you appreciate our winters...or at least I do.

I hope this hump day was a nice uneventful one for you an opportunity to recharge your batteries, and make it through the rest of the workweek unscathed.   Many of our schools started yesterday, Jordan doesn't go back until the 17 of this month.  I am thinking I would learn very little when the temps hit 100 and above...maybe I am just a wuss.

About to write my third column for The Leaf, it is exciting to be published.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. This has been a hectic week so far for me. I am looking for that uneventful day. I hope it comes soon.

  2. Working in surgery usually has it's share of drama daily...I always get in my car at the end of the day and just sit for a second and take a deep breath and forget about it!

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling good about being published and yesterday was no drama.

    Take care.
