Friday, August 21, 2015

Busy Friday

I spent both my off days this week seeing doctors, have not done that in several months.  But, all is good, just some routine tests in the next couple of weeks.  It's hard to believe that for three years almost every off day was spent with some doctor or in the big green chair.  I know that for myself I made the right decision, stopping IVIG treatments was the right choice for me.

After my doctor's appointment today, we picked Jordan up at school.  I have really missed him this week, but he loves school.  He is always so happy at the end of the day.  We came home, popped corn and had some apple juice, his favorite after school snack.

My Jawbone sent me an update this week, it seems that I am in the upper 30 percentile of 60 year old and upwards, women using Jawbone.  Of course who knows how many actual women are out there using one to track their movements and sleep. I am loving mine.  I look on my wrist everyday and it is a gentle reminder that I need to take 10,000 steps...most days I do.

The best part of the day ( besides picking up Jordan) we met my chair buddy Louis for lunch.
His birthday is Sunday, and since I have stopped treatment I don't get to spend much time with him.
We took him to one of his favorite restaurants and it was delightful.  Meeting Louis, was the best part of those big green chairs, I will always be grateful for our meeting.

August and summer are almost gone.  Enjoy your weekend, make the most of the heat.  Don't forget to laugh out loud.


  1. There are times I feel like most of my time is spent running to and from medical appointments. If it were not for my ability to laugh (out loud) I would have gone crazy years ago.

  2. I walk a lot every day with my farm work and i wonder how many steps I take. Maybe I should try one of those Jawbone bracelet. I've had my share of dr.'s appointments and now it's mostly routine check up, thank goodness.

    Have a great day Jilda. That kid is a regular energizer for you.
