Friday, May 29, 2015

Strep Update

What a Friday!  Jordan was much better this morning, Rick was not.  As the day progressed, Rick is better, Jordan wound down a little, neither are well, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Jordan no longer has a temperature, Rick's has come down...

We practiced this evening for a bit...yes, we have a gig tomorrow night at one of our most favorite venues.  Send good thoughts, prayers, and lots of healing energy our way...we only play a couple of gigs a month at most, so they are near and dear to our hearts.

We had a couple of hours of sunshine today, it was wonderful...I think the warm sun made everyone feel better. The blueberries are so abundant this year, sweet, juicy and fat...but,  there are no apples on the apple trees, and all the peaches fell off the peach tree.  This farming is interesting, confusing and are at Mother Nature's mercy.

I hope your weekend is a good one, have some fun, show some kindness to someone who needs it,
and remember to laugh out loud at least once.


  1. I'm glad to hear everyone is feeling better. Maybe the nurse has a little something to do with it.

  2. Healing thoughts and prayers to you all! I hope we get a few berries this year too! Enjoy the gig!
