Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1

July 1.......hot and humid....did I say hot and humid?

July 1 .....ice cold watermelons, juicy sweet peaches

July 1.....fireworks

July 1......fourth of July, Independence Day, red, white and blue

July 1.....bugs, snakes......need I say more?

July 1......treatment tomorrow, #31

July 1......BBQ, homemade ice cream

July 1.......I need a vacation

July 1......Arthur, first named storm of the season

July 1.....sweet iced tea, a necessity

July 1......memories of rock concerts

July 1.....ripe tomatoes, fresh corn, boiled shrimp, the perfect summer meal

July 1......bare feet, long flowing dresses

July 1....gratitude for a cool breeze and a summer thunderstorm

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and many hugs Jilda. I will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow.
