Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fingers Crossed, Hope for the Best

Serum sickness.......that's the diagnosis......over two years of symptoms, I hope the doc is right and I hope we bring a halt to something that has robbed me of so many days these past two and a half years.  So what's the solution?  One bottle instead of two during treatment.  Keep your fingers crossed.  Once again I tried to teach my classes yesterday, and Rick had to fetch me home......but tonight I feel different, stronger than I have since July 2, my last treatment.

My plans are to teach plans are that Rick will not have to come and drive me plans are, that the symptoms are gone.  Prayers, hopes and the last smidgen of energy I have for the symptoms to be gone.

Alabama weather has been so northern California like the past couple of days.......lows in the fifties.......highs around 80.......I love it.  Our skies have even looked like those out west, big blue and endless.  So grateful for this beautiful weather.  I hope where ever you are, you are enjoying a beautiful summer.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. Fingers are crossed and well wishes on their way.

  2. I truly hope that this is the solution... it is awful when we don't know what we have, we are not able to fix it if we don't know..
