Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Gift

For many of you who read my blog, you have met our neighbors, Dixie and Rebel.   They visit our home every morning and get a treat.  They are truly the best neighbors in the world.

This morning, Dixie was out front and behind her was what I thought was Tinker Bell, their tiny friend. I just saw the back of the boot and it was the same color as Tink.  But when I carried Dixie's treat to her, she was sitting beside a boot.
I believe the boot belonged to her owner, a teenager in high school.

She was sitting there looking at me, as though she had brought me a gift.  She had not chewed the boot, it looked as though she had placed it carefully under the white pine, which is her favorite spot in our yard.

Soon, Rebel came over.......he saw the boot, looked at me, then Dixie......and immediately decided Dixie had made a huge mistake.    Rebel picked the boot up and started towards home, Dixie was not going to allow my gift to leave......a tug of war ensued.  Rick had to come outside, take the boot and return it home.  Dixie came back to the house with such a sad look, she seemed so disappointed that I could not keep her gift.  I petted her, gave her another treat and assured her I appreciated her thoughtfulness.   How lucky can I get????? A dog who knows how much I love shoes!!!!!


  1. I love your story Jilda.

    Have a good night and sleep well.

  2. Awwwww! What a lovely thought from Dixie! Take care

  3. That is so cute! Love it..I wish my neighbor new's pup would leave a boot instead of what he usually leaves!

  4. How sweet of Dixie! At least she didn't bring you a whole ham, which is what our dog did. Try explaining that to the neighbors.
