Thursday, January 10, 2013


For many of us, January is our wake-up call......the time of year we make promises and resolutions.
I have written about my Vision Board several times on this blog.  I think instead of promises and resolutions, maybe we should think about simplicity.  Just simplifying our lives.

Look at what works in your life and what isn't working......everything from job to family to relationships to hobbies to personal style.  When you think about what you want to change......look at it in a different light this could you simplify it?

Is your job a nightmare? What can you do to simplify those 8 hours a day?  More education, better organization, or a new resume?  Relationships?  How can you simplify love and friendship?  Sometimes, it is time to move on, or step back or jump forward with both your heart you know.  Some friends have worn out their welcome a long time ago, it is true.....people change, priorities change.  We all have that friend we never hear from unless something is wrong, budget your time with them carefully.

This is the time of year many are buying gym memberships, and looking at diet plans.  Simplify......
start and end each day with a walk......drink lots of water......fresh fruits and veggies.....meditate.
Let go of diet sodas, fast food and the mentality that if you can't work out one hour, you might as well do nothing.  Walking ten minutes a day triggers the change.

If e-mails and FaceBook are robbing you of precious time......set a timer for the amount of time you want to give and when the timer goes off........walk away from the computer.  Simplify.

Most of us have homes full of stuff.......get an empty box......each day put some things in it, you no longer need or want.....pass the box on to someone else or donate to a charity.  Simplify.  I have found  when my surroundings are filled with clutter, it is very difficult for me to accomplish things........I reach a point, where the clutter has to go or I become quite testy.  Simplify.

One of my favorites for my closet.  About once a year, I go through everything in my closet,  pass on what I am not wearing......and then look at different ways to wear what's left, and what I need to update.  Usually, if I am honest with's something as simple as new pair of jeans or a blazer .  I do admit, shoes are my weakness.

As you can tell, I am not a big advocate of resolutions, but of boards and simplification, my favorites.  Remember......simplify.

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