Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Treatment # 2

Today was treatment number, it doesn't seem like a month ago that I had the first one.  Like before, I have slept most of the day, it will be an early bedtime tonight.
There is something about that treatment room, I think for patients it is quite similar to my yoga room for students at work tell me how much they love walking into the room.
Many of them talk about how safe, and peaceful it feels.  For me the infusion room feels safe and peaceful.....I know that many who are there are very very sick.....but there is a sense of of camaraderie in that soft green room.

The sunlight filters through the large windows, you hear the soft footsteps of the nurses.
Today, thank goodness the tv wasn't on, and for those of us hooked to our drips we talked......and laughed.  It may seem strange to laugh there, but there was joy and laughter and banter.  I look out at each person beside me in those big green recliners and I silently say prayers for them.....that for whatever reason those drips are attached.....that the meds do their jobs and healing takes place.

I am awestruck by the nursing staff.  It is so obvious they love what they do.  My veins are small, they roll, but they gently find the sweet spot, and do their darnedest to cause as little pain as they can. They treat  each patient so loving, so kind......they are like angels in a ballet
moving across the room with grace and love.

I met with my hematologist today, she is brilliant, and funny and kind.  I think if we had met under different circumstances, we would be great friends........she is everything you hope for in a doctor......she listens, she explains, she has no ego, and she is kind beyond words.  And yes,
she is beautiful and funny.

I am hoping, I am believing that these treatments, the new mix of meds, and docs, that this is my holy grail.  I think I am very blessed......but I want to continue to do my work, and my music for a long time......I have much to share, much to contribute.

Rick came in the infusion room with me today.  There are chairs for those who come with you to sit in and wait.....and he waits, so patiently.  I keep telling him, he can leave and just pick me up later, but he says it is a great opportunity to write.......and today he got to chat with the nurses,  and other patients.  This path, this part of our journey together, was not planned, but there is good in every experience......and we search it out.

The aches and chills are arriving, it is time for warm pjs and bed.  Tonight say a little prayer for my friends in the treatment room, the patients as well as the staff.......they are becoming
like family......God bless them all.


  1. When my dad was going through Chemo he would say what angels the nurses were who took care of him and the others there for treatment. My mum stayed with him through all his treatment each and every time.

  2. Jilda, my prayers are with you.
    You are so brave and I admire your positive attitude.
    Hope you feel better tomorrow.

  3. Jilda - I have everything crossed for a most successful treatment! All the best! Take care

  4. I'm hoping you are not feeling too poorly after this round of treatment. I want nothing but serenity and peace and joy for you this Easter weekend.

  5. Hope the miseries pass quickly and you are back on your feet and enjoying that energy boost soon.

  6. I hope the treatment helps. I'm glad that you can find the good.
