Thursday, October 10, 2019

What a Thursday

I taught a walking meditation class today for the pain management group and a pranayama class as well ( breath work).  After that I spent an hour with first responders, police officers and military students, and finally this evening with our women's group.   It is rewarding work, but exhausting.

Tomorrow is our local high school's home coming.  That means a parade and a football game tomorrow night.  I always take Jordan to  my sister's house for the parade, she has the best view ever.
He twisted his ankle today in PE class and is going to see the orthopedic doc first thing in the morning.  Next weekend he has a big swim meet.  Send him some good thoughts and healing energies and a few prayers, those feet are important when you are swimming. 

He is upset about his foot, about the swim meet and about missing the parade tomorrow.  We just want his foot to be ok.

My bed and a cup of hot tea are calling to me. 
Sweet dreams to you all.


  1. Oh poor Jordan. I'm sorry about his injury. I'll keep him in my prayers for quick healing.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Will definitely pray for Jordan that he can soon be on his feet and swimming.
