Friday, June 7, 2019

No Agenda

Finally a day with no agenda.  It has been weeks and I am not sure how we did it, but our calendars were empty today.  We walked the dogs, read, did a little laundry, ate leftovers.  A much needed day of rest.  The rest of the weekend is busy, but today was wonderful.

More rain tonight, our little world looks alive.  The drought and heat were getting scary, but you could almost hear everything breathe a sigh of relief.  The colors are brighter and the dust has settled.

Enjoy your Saturday.  Spend some time with those you love, do something that makes you smile and always be kind.

1 comment:

  1. A no agenda day is wonderful. I used to pride myself of having a full calendar, now I enjoy the freedom that comes with an almost empty calendar to do things for myself for a change.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Julia
