Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday Night

The heat and humidity is building here, while those west of us are experiencing everything from snow to floods to tornadoes.  The weather seems to get more severe every month.

The baby chicks are doing well.  Jordan and his mom have been over many times today to check on them.  They are still so cute, but once their feathers appear they will become gangly and not so cute.

I hope your Monday had some kindness in it, I hoped you laughed out loud and maybe even got a hug today.  If not today, then maybe tomorrow.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams

1 comment:

  1. Here it's been raining for several days. I'm looking forward to some sun. I don't know how to handle heat and humidity. It just takes my breath away.
    Baby chicks ate so cute but I guess they have to grow up.
    Hugs, Julia
