Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Kitchen Window

I spend a lot of time in my kitchen.  It is very small and narrow with a window over the sink.  Through the window I see the back yard where the garden, fruit trees and flowers grow.  In the winter when there are no leaves on the trees you can see the old farmhouse.

I try to keep the window and the kitchen a cheery place, even though it is small.  For me, the kitchen is the heart of the home and every meal is an act of love.

I share a corner of my kitchen window with you tonight.  I think it is down right inviting.


  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful roses with us.
    I'm curious as to what plant you have rooting in the bottle on the left. It looks like it's ready to be planted.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. I love your kitchen window, would love to see more as it looks so inviting. I always try to have flowers on my window sill too and I am always trying to get cuttings to grow too.
