Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sweet Surprise

I love labyrinths.  Several years ago I did a proposal for one at work.  I thought that the patients would love to do a meditative walk.  But wheels move slow for corporations and I am sure my proposal fell in the trash somewhere.

We were in Gainesville, Fl  this weekend for a wedding.  Actually we were in the bride's parents wedding 33 years ago in NYC and were delighted to be a part of this celebration this weekend.
Her parents wedding was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been a part of...Sarah's wedding was one of the most poignant.  As she and her dad danced the daughter/father dance a recording of her dad saying goodnight to her when she was a toddler was played.  Hearing her sweet little voice and the love in her dad's goodnight...well, there was not a dry eye in the house.

I digress.  While in Gainesville, we spent Saturday morning at the Botanical Gardens there.
They have a beautiful grass labyrinth.  I fell in love.  Now I am trying to convince Rick we need one here on the farm.   I think I might finally get a labyrinth.

We are both really tired, but it's a good tired.  To see old friends and make new ones is always worth a road trip.  The labyrinth was just a sweet surprise.  I love that it was formed with grass.

1 comment:

  1. A labyrinth sounds like a nice idea but I would imagine it would take some upkeep.
    I hope the weather isn't too threatening in your area.
    Hugs, Julia
