Friday, August 24, 2018

First Beauty

The dogs are settling down and getting back in their normal routine.   We walked this morning and they were joyful, including Taz.  Rick was with Sam at therapy but I think they understand he can't walk with us right now.

Honestly, this evening is the first time in over a week that I have felt normal.  Could you hear the sigh of relief?

There is a big beauty bush down behind the barn.  Every fall I look forward to its beautiful purple berries.  I want  clothing and shoes this color of purple.  This morning I saw the berries are beginning to show their purpleness.  Is that a word? 

I know for us it will be a while before we experience true fall weather, but the beauty bush gave me hope.  I also saw my first monarch today.

I can't believe today is Friday.  My week off from work has just been a blur.  It seems the past few years, the only time I take off is sick time.  This has to stop.  I told Rick today there has to be a vacay soon.

Enjoy your weekend.  Spend time with those you love, laugh out loud and always be kind.


  1. Yes, I can hear your big sigh of relief. It is good to feel back to normal. A vacation for both of you would be good.

  2. I can picture a silk blouse of the lovely purple. And I am ready to read about your vacation.
