Friday, December 29, 2017

Howling at the Moon

Finally a day of not going full speed.  First time in about 6 weeks, a nice deep breath and no agenda today.  Tomorrow we have friends coming for dinner, Sunday is Rick's family Christmas gathering and back to work on Monday.  It will be nice to be back in my routine and hopefully  things slow down for a couple of weeks.

Isn't it funny how life does that?  You know, all or nothing.  It would be nice if we could divide all those hectic moments and space them between nice calm ones but that rarely happens.

The moon is going to be a heart grabber this week.  I looked up at the sky this evening as I walked Jordan and Anthony back to Jordan's house next door and there was the moon directly above us.
I taught the boys to howl at the moon, which they did all the way back to Jordan's .  I am surprised the neighbors did not open their doors to see what all the racket was about. The kids got pretty good at howling.  I told them that once they learned to howl, now it was their responsibility to howl each time they see the moon.  I figure there will be parents/grandparents calling me soon.

If you get bored tonight or feel the need to express yourself, go howl at the moon.  It's great fun and makes you feel awesome.  Tomorrow spread joy and treat all those you meet with kindness.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. I like that. You taught the boys something fun.

  2. Hahaha, that must be the wild streak in you to make you want to howl at the moon. I bet the boys had fun though.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Julia
