Sunday, December 17, 2017

Hook Loves the Tree

The Christmas tree is decorated and Hook approves.  Calliou and Taz are never quite sure about the big tree with lights.  It blocks their view of the outside world and chipmunks running through the yard are way more important than trees with lights.

We missed the Nutcracker this year, the first since in several years but the sinus crud is having its way with me.  The rain started this morning, for the first time in months I did not even take a walk.
Taz is not happy.

Jordan and Samantha brought me my Christmas gift this evening.  It is the most beautiful light arrangement.  I will take pictures this week so you can see it.  Jordan painted the vase and helped his mom gather the greenery for it.  They could never have bought me anything more perfect and the fact that they made it, just thrills my heart.

It's hard to believe that next Sunday is Christmas Eve.  I will work this week, many of the staff will be taking vacations with their families and while some patients get to go home, others don't.

Please don't forget to be kind, spread cheer and joy.  There is darkness and sadness even during the holidays. 


  1. I hope you feel better real soon. I've had this nasty head and chest cold for two weeks and no ends in sight. It happens every time I get myself over tired.
    Your tree looks amazing with all the lights.

    Take care and get better. Love and peace.

  2. Get well soon and ol' Hook sure looks comfy! He is a lucky dog to have adopted you and Rick! Your tree is beautiful! Hugs to you!
