Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 1

April 1...April's Fool's Day

April 1....Samantha's birthday this month, I remember when she was Jordan's age

April of our  most violent weather months

April 1...pollen is everywhere

April 1...will be planting the rest of our garden in a couple of weeks

April 1...winter clothes are packed away

April 1....Easter just around the corner

April 1...peeps anyone?

April favorite Easter treats, cadbury eggs, jelly beans and candy coated marshmallow eggs

April 1...I loved getting a new Easter dress when I was a little girl

April 1....I don't like Easter egg hunts, but I love to dye Easter eggs

April 1...Rick mowed our lawn today

April 1...purple violets are in bloom, I love them

April 1...bees, butterflies and humming birds

April 1... don't blink, summer will be here soon


  1. A great list for April
    Hugs, Julia

  2. I never got why the first of April was April Fools Day, I knew it was but why it was I don't get.
