Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Thanks

A day of catch-up and rest, it has been a busy few days and I think the push and maybe a little dehydration caught up with me around noon today as the meniere's and a migraine tried their best to kick my rear.  Thank goodness for ice packs, meds and lights that turn off and a cozy comfortable couch.
Thank goodness for dogs who won't leave my side and a hubby who tends to my every need.

Much better this evening, but I can assure you, I will take it easy tomorrow and not push.
But, isn't that what most of us do, push...push when we are not well, push until we are just about past going, push until there is no push left or we collapse.  I am not saying that men don't push, because I know they do, but most of the women I know go way beyond push.  When we will ever learn?

No gigs this week, but practice and learning new songs for the shows in October and November will continue.  It is still hot and humid, we did  get a shower last night but  the ground is still very dry.
I told Rick today, we might have to relocate someplace where the heat and humidity is not so bad.
The past few months have been brutal.  This too shall pass.

Wishing you all a brand new week, it's a clean slate, fill it with love, humor and kindness.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely try to not push. We all tend to believe we will get better if we can just overcome instead of succumbing.
