Saturday, May 25, 2013


If I had only planted some red flowers in this bed, it would have been a perfect garden for Memorial year.
My flower beds are still in such disarray......rain, unseasonably cool weather, storms.....and then there are those nasty little treatments every 28 days.......but I am getting there.

Last year, I didn't have enough energy to even think about my flowers, but they hung on.  This year is better, I/we still have a long way to go, but that is ok.

I love foxgloves (that is the big spike of white flowers). My mother grew them, so did my grandmother.  This plant is from seeds that came from my mom's garden.  There is really no smell, but I love their beauty, and their size......they make a statement.

I have washed yoga mats, worked in the flowers, and picked blueberries......a little sunburned.....a lot tired.  It has been a great way to spend a Saturday.  As much as I love performing,  a Saturday to do stuff, is needed as well.  We all need days to do our "stuff" is the ordinary that keeps us grounded, it is the ordinary that makes us appreciate the magical,  it is the ordinary that glues the moments to our memories.  I wish you all an ordinary day this weekend, a day to do your stuff.......then take a moment to appreciate the magical.

1 comment:

  1. Jack and I had a day full of "stuff" too! Many more to come as we get ready for graduation party time with a granddaughter and a birthday celebration too....the yard will hopefully look great by then! (I can dream can't I?) Hope your weekend continues to be nice.
