Though to be honest, most days I am way past ok, to really good.
I feel a little out of sync, if that makes sense. Some good things have happened today and on down the road I will share them, but not tonight. Tonight seems to be a time for quiet, for stillness.
I think it is all about reflection and self-examination, I need to go inward.
It is time for a recharge of the spirit, a strengthening of soul. There is information to be processed, and contemplation of thoughts. This is one of those times when I would love to do a silent retreat.
No talking.
Not to worry, I am sure after a good night's sleep, all will be fine tomorrow. The weather is perfect, chilly and damp, the dogs will love a long walk in the morning. But for tonight,
this is the best I can do/give.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams.
I slept late today and did absolutely nothing but make a pot of bean soup. I'm recouping from working the polls and for today, this was fine. Lenny came over and we had a good conversation, among other things. He's a staunch Republican and I'm a Democrat. We always have good political discussions. He said he'd made 5 bets on candidates winning and had to pay off on all 5. He said he was going to stop doing that! SMILE