Sunday, February 26, 2017

We Are One

A Sunday that was picture perfect beautiful.  Blue skies, white clouds and 60 degrees of perfection.
The Sunday to do nothing.  Drink hot tea and coffee, read the papers, walk the dogs.
I never knew how much I needed today until the sun set this evening.  R and R can change your life.

I read an article by Jack Kornfield yesterday.  He talked about loving the people that are being shunned.  The people that for whatever reasons hate crimes are being committed against.  As I read his article I realized that for me personally, it is easy to love them.  For me, I struggle with those who live near me; who are spewing the hate and fear.  Family, friends and neighbors who have a darkness that I never saw before.  Daily I am reminding myself to send them love, to show them kindness.

This week ends February and starts March.  The first quarter of 2017 is almost gone.
I send you all Blessings of peace this week.  Please don't forget to spread joy and share kindness.
We are one.


  1. Love comes from God and hate comes from the evil one. I can see why we should love even our enemies but it's difficult when love isn't returned.
    Peace, love, & hugs.
    I usually send hugs as a sign of love to all.

  2. I try to love everyone. Those who are spewing the hatred and darkness right now perhaps need it most of all.
