Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Spring Update

The privets are in full bloom here.  I know that many love them, love their fragrance and their white blossoms.  For me, they are misery every spring.  The smell of them makes me nauseous, they trigger migraines and clog my sinuses and make my meniere's flare.  They have been in bloom now for about two weeks, maybe one more week to go and things will calm down.

Normally I have two allergy seasons, spring and fall.  We got our bees last spring, but no honey from them until the summer.  I ate our honey every day until it was gone, mid-December.  I had no fall allergies.  I think if we had had enough of our honey for this spring I would have not had the allergy symptoms I have had.  I sure hope our bees have a productive summer and we get lots of honey.

The weather guys say a cold front is coming in this weekend.  Fingers are crossed that all our beautiful crops weather this cold spell. The blueberries are luscious, sweet as candy and the bushes are full.  The peach and apricot trees are hanging full of green fruit.  I suppose blackberry winter just wanted to visit one more time.

Enjoy your Thursday.  I hope you laugh out loud and that you experience great kindness. 


  1. Hope you slept well Jilda. Interesting about the honey from your property and you having no fall allergies. Good to hear that.

  2. I hope the bees are visiting the privet flowers for your sake and that the bees produce lots of honey.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. I have heard that honey will help with allergies, so I do hope you get plenty of it this year. With the additional hives, you should have plenty. Happy spring !
