Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Natural Collage

We have had tornadoes bouncing around tonight.  It looked as though everything was over, all the tv stations had gone to regular programing and then our phones began to ring.  It was a tornado warning for our zip code.  We spent the next 15 minutes in our shower ( our safe place).  Hopefully now, the system is out of here and things have calmed down.

Our dogs have been so restless today. They know the weather so much better than we do.  Now they seem to be settling down and Calliou is actually sleeping.  That is a good sign.

With all the wind and rain we have had, each day we walk there is  treasure with every step. I loved the collage I found today.  All the objects were right there on the ground in an artistic arrangement.  Mother Nature is so creative.  If you look close, the hickory nut at the top of the photo has begun to sprout.
Sweet dreams tonight, and may we all be safe.

1 comment:

  1. I don't look at dead leaves in the same way as you do I think. I see dead leaves and decay. It's not pleasant to look at. But nature will use this to nourish new life.
    A reminder of our short life and our own decay, but that little green shoot and the green moss is really beautiful to me, a sign of new life.
    I hope that you get some sun today.
    Hugs, Julia
