Tuesday, April 24, 2018


An early day tomorrow, an MRI at 7:30 am so we leave for Birmingham around 6:00.  Thursday we meet with doctors and find out what are these tests are showing.  I believe knowledge is power and we can then move forward with what ever we need to do.

I had my men's class today.   They are a quiet crew, very serious about their relaxation and yoga.
They are truly a joy to teach.  I am having to rearrange my schedule this week, so their Thursday class will be on Friday.  They were more concerned about my doctor's visit than the rearranging of their schedule and their care and reassuring made my day.

Rick is at his Tuesday night class, so Taz and I are about to eat a bite and watch and old movie.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams


  1. I will be waiting for some positive news. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  2. Waiting is the hardest part. I will be praying for you.

  3. Hoping you soon find out something that will help.

  4. My thoughts are with you and i hope that some answers comes to you soon. Hugs, Julia
